
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jersey's 2nd Bday!


Jersey's birthday cake...
Come on, how cute is that...
Last year the dog cake had straighter hair, and that was the around the same time his hair began to curl. Now it is always curly, when longer. I was so excited that they made it with curly hair now! :)
Daddy wants to make this for his 3rd birthday next year. :) Look for invites! ;)
Excuse Daddy's 5 year old smile... he was a little perturbed that I kept taking pictures... still cute though... look at Jersey!
Jersey got to eat the red ribbon cause he had great disdain for the cake people assuming that he would wear a bow! He is a boy!!! ;)
YUMMY!!! See the red icing on Mommy's fingers.
Daddy and Mommy about to tear into it! It was SO yummy!!! We got it from Walmart and surprisingly it was REALLY GOOD!!! It tasted like an expensive wedding cake, (it had butter cream icing). I think I will try them again for my next cake needs! :)
Yum! It was 2 cupcakes decorated as Jersey! :) It was Mommy's last hoorah since she wants to be healthy after her above ordeal! :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Jersey's First Birthday Party 9/07

Last September, Jersey celebrated his first birthday is style: he had a birthday party. We had it a Lost Creek Park, and he had 13 dog friends come! Quite the turn out. We invited quite a few more, but if there were too many, it might not have gone so smoothly. :) It was poring earlier that day so I was worried that we would have to cancel! NOPE! We were able to celebrate, despite the humidity! ugh!

I just got these pictures last night, (my camera was broken), and tomorrow Jersey will be 2! We will have pictures of that celebration too! (Just with Mommy and Daddy, but it will still be celebrated)! :) Pictures to come! :)Jersey and I are opening presents. His Taunt put a bone on his bag and so while I was opening his other gifts, he enjoyed that treat! This picture completely melts me! C was talking the picture, and it looks like Jersey is saying, "What, like you wouldn't? Shhh, don't tell Mommy!" Oh, and he looks filthy, but he really isn't that dirty... when he gets wet he looks dirty...
 We love these kiddos! She took the majority of the pictures! :)
. Do you see the Maltese cake? We are getting another one for tomorrow! :)

I feel TERRIBLE!!! People actually brought presents to the party! I was NOT expecting that, but it was so sweet! I had thank yous made up and everything. We didn't have a printer hooked up, and all of a sudden it is a year later, and I still didn't send out thank yous! I am just the worst and I am SO sorry! Thank you though! :)

Happy early birthday to my precious puppy! He brings us so much joy... way more than we ever thought possible! :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

bored poetry...

I was bored so I wrote this:

I am so blessed,
My God is the best!
He provides for me
Ever so abundantly!

I could never ask for more,
I feel loved down to my core.
He has forgiven my sins,
And made me new again.

He created for me
A husband to be
My very best friend,
Until time finally ends.

I love being a wife,
I just love my life!
God, I thank Thee,
For always blessing me!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

L is for the way you look at me...

I am so in love with my husband! Being married is one of God's most amazing blessings He gives to us! My Lobster and I have been married a year and a half, and everyday I just sit back it amazement at this gift God has given to me! I have the greatest husband, and best friend ever! I am so excited that I get to spend every waking moment with this man that exceeded my dreams. (When I was a freshman in college I had a list of what my future husband had to be. I was told by many that my expectations were too high, and that I would never find a man like that. Well, My Lobster met and exceeded those expectations. So not only did a find a man who was good enough to meet my high standards, but he exceeded them and he had qualities that I hadn't even put on there)! My Lobster, you are more than I could have dreamed of or asked for, and I love you more than you will ever know! Thank you for being the greatest husband in the history of the universe! :)
Here is a picture of my hubs hamming it up at summer camp. We work with the youth at our Church, and so we got to go to summer camp with them. We had a blast, and I think this picture shows just how fun My Lobster is!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Well, we are finally home, and our home is in one piece. We knew it would be, but when you live in an apartment, the thought of a hurricane is a bit scary. By next hurricane season we will have a house and maybe we can just hunker down there. We went to San Antonio and stayed with my dad. Saturday my dad and My Lobster went to Houston to clear up my grandma's yard. They worked for 6 HOURS!!! WOW... lots of debris! My step mom and I hung out with our three dogs! Jersey was so excited to have friends and wide open spaces to run around, oh and he found a new "swimming hole"...
Jersey with some cactus. He kept getting too close, I am surprised he didn't get stuck...

Jersey in my dad's backyard... 8.5 acres... gorgeous... letting him off the leash was hard for Mommy...

Jersey apparently LOVES water!!! Here is a pond that Jersey has claimed as his own swimming hole. At our house we will definitely build one for him. He loved it!

Look closely, Jersey is shaking his head back and forth... just a cool shot...

Front yard shots of Jersey and my dad's puppy Max. Not pictured is Buster. Max is half Rot, but he is not scary... he is just a big puppy, (3 years old). He and The Jerz are inseparable.

Daddy, Buster, Max and Jersey on a walk through Grandpa's land. Mommy was quite nervous through all this, but Jersey listened very well! :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2001

I figured to commemorate 7 YEARS, (what?!), since 9/11, I would share my accounts of that day. We all have a story of that day, so I will share mine! :)

I was a sophomore in high school and I had broken my foot. Since I was on crutches I had a pass to leave class 5 minutes early so I could get to my next class before "traffic" began. When I arrived to my 2nd period class, the 1st period was finishing their exit. I went to my seat and a straggler talked to me and my teacher. He said that a plane hit the world trade center. We said how crazy that was and then he went on his way. I thought that was bad, but I imagined a private little plane, like a 4 seater or something accidentally crashing. Class began as usual and no one else really had heard about the accident. About 5 minutes into class the principal came over the speaker and said for teachers to check their email. Hmmm, thats weird. My teacher read out the email as she was instructed and told us about the plane crash. Then she turned on the tv as she was instructed and there we saw the twin towers in flames, and we watched the second plane hit the towers. Ok, this IS bad! We did nothing in that class but watch the tv, and I think it was in that class that we watched the towers fall. The bell rang and I stayed late because I was glued to the tube. I couldn't leave these people. Finally I went to 3rd period and that is where we learned they were commuter planes. OK, REALLY BAD. Then a few minutes later we learned that the Pentagon was hit. Ok, I was scared at that point. I kept saying, "isn't the Pentagon practically invincible?" When fourth period came they turned off the tvs. I was NOT HAPPY! I wanted news!! I don't remember the rest of the day, except cheer practice was canceled and so I went home with my bf at the time. At his house his little sister was in 1st to 3rd grade... memory foggy there. I sat with her at the tv and tried to explain everything to her. The rest of the week I wore everything red white and blue I could find! I was so sad for the victims, but so proud to be an American!

7 months later my dad took me to New York. I was SO excited! It was my second time to go, but this time I would get to see NY post 9/11. We had to have tickets, (free but you had to have them none the less) to see Ground Zero. I was SO disappointed!!! BUT, we drove past it and they had fencing up and when you drove past it you could see through it, ya know what I mean? So I DID see Ground Zero just not on the platform like others. On that platform, which I stood next to but not on, there was a man playing Amazing Grace and patriotic songs on a bag pipe. WOW! Emotional! Actually, when you get about a block from Ground Zero, a strong emotion hits you. You just know you are close. There was a church near ground zero that was fenced in and the fence was covered with children's paintings, drawings and cards for the victims. BEAUTIFUL! My dad got a really cool shot of me looking at the stuff, but it was not digital, so I will have to scan it one day! :) The month before this trip, NBC aired a documentary and the filmmakers caught everything on tape. What had happened was this: two French brothers spent a few months at Engine 7 Ladder 1 in NY to document the life of a rookie fireman. I have this at home if you ever want to see it. YOU WILL BAWL!!! One of the brothers actually caught the first plane hitting... no one else has that footage. (the firehouse is a block from the WTC). Anyway, I could write for days about the film.... when we were at ground zero I told my dad I wanted to go the that firehouse. From the film we knew we were close and we knew it was located by a Staples. Sure enough we found it. I wanted to go in SO badly, but thought they would think I was a nut job! My dad caught one of the guys outside and asked if we could go in. Of course he let us in. I got to meet and talk with 8 different FDNY!!! They said that they were still working around the clock and pulling out thousands of body parts daily... this is 7 months after 9/11! This meeting with NY's bravest was one of my most treasured memories EVER! ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!!! I had a FDNY sweatshirt that I had them all sign and it is framed now. :)

Let us NEVER FORGET what happened today! What a tragic day, but what Grace God showed too! So many miracles occurred in the midst of the devastation! God is AMAZING, even in the darkest times! Well, ESPECIALLY in the dark times! :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Anxiety over my sister, Tracie...

For those of you who don’t know, my sister Tracie was killed in a car accident on October 6, 2006. Lately I have been battling bouts of anxiety about her and to combat this I wrote this poem. It did help, but I still need prayer!
I am overcome with anxiety,
My heartbeat soars,
I have trouble breathing
It shakes me to the core.
I know who’s at fault,
Who is causing all this,
The culprit is Satan
And he’s using my sis.
This time last year
I felt this way too.
Always around the anniversary
And I don’t know what to do.
People worship my sister
And it just drives me crazy!
We are supposed to worship God
And not worship Tracie!
She cannot answer your prayers
So stop praying to her!
The only one who can is God-
He has all the power!
Stop saying “rest in peace”
Cause it couldn’t be more wrong!
She is alive and well,
Worshiping God in song!

So you say you knew my sister,
And you say you’re heartbroken.
You say you miss her so dearly,
But do you know what I have left unspoken?
She was my SISTER,
Not just my friend!
Her death changed my life,
And my heart will never truly mend.
People seem to forget
Since I am “so strong,”
And I don’t cry all the time,
But you couldn’t be more wrong.
My pain is real,
But hope gets me through,
I rejoice in where she is,
But I still miss her, its true!
I can rejoice for I know
She hasn’t really left us.
Tracie is in Heaven
Alive and well with Jesus!
He is the only way to Heaven,
The only other option is Hell,
And everyone is a sinner
Even if you live your life well!
All it takes is ONE SIN
To send you to Hell,
But I have good news
Which below I will tell:
Jesus died for our sins,
He paid for our debt!
We can join Him in Heaven,
If His free gift we accept!
Just accept Him as your Savior,
And repent of your sins.
Now you can have True Joy
As your new life begins.
I have True Joy
And God is my Comfort!
Bring it on Satan,
But you best be on alert:
"My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12: 9-10