Ok, so my son DOES have a name. He just does not have a BLOG name. Help please! Disney characters please. :)
***update: obviously, I have named him, Nemo.*** :)
I know I have not told you much about him, so I will take this time to do so. :)
When I first went to meet Sweetpea Beauty, I also met him. He was just so stinkin' cute. He also has a disability: he has Cerebral Palsy. This doesn't affect him very much except for a few things. One of which, it affects his crawl. He can't use his hands yet when he crawls, so he does an army crawl. Cutest thing ever!
Well, I left that day knowing I had just met my daughter, and I was oh so happy. But I couldn't shake that little face that kept popping in my head. I told Mr. Incredible about him. I told him how I couldn't shake him, and how I wanted to consider adopting him too. You see, at that time I had just turned down 5 children. So it wasn't as if I was just taking any child I could get. I knew he was special because I just couldn't get him off my mind. Well, as y'all in the blog world know, 2 days later Mr. Incredible got to meet his daughter, and the little boy. We both were now on the same page- we wanted him too!
Just meeting him a few times we knew we wanted him, but then something happened which sealed the deal. You see, they are a month apart, so we will basically have twins, both with special needs. This could be a scary thing for most parents. Well, we both couldn't get him off our mind, so we knew we had to have him. Their foster mom told us how much they loved each other. Ok, they are babies. How much can they really love each other? Well, one day Mr. Incredible was holding Sweetpea and I was playing with the little boy. I sat him up in front of them, and they just stared at each other. All of a sudden, Sweetpea just starts cracking up and kicking her legs like I have never seen her do before. It was the sweetest thing- we knew they HAD to be together.
Now, a 9 month old kicking her legs usually doesn't seem like any big thing. Well, Sweetpea Beauty has Spina Bifida. She is never supposed to walk. However, I was told that her therapists believe she will walk by what movement they have seen in her legs. Ok, cool. I had hope for her future, but not too much, ya know? When I hold her, I can feel some movement too, but nothing to significant. Well, when she was laughing at him, she was kicking her legs pretty high and hard. It was nothing short of miraculous! I truly do believe now that she may walk one day. If she doesn't, oh well. We will just have to make her wheelchair cute, and I think we can all agree that that won't be a task too difficult for her mommy to do. ;)
I told his foster mom we wanted him and she told the people she needed to tell. We got news that we get to have him as a foster son and we are praying it will turn to adoption. It is the same risk we took with Woody and Buzz, (except the chances of us getting him are much much higher). It is a risk we are more than willing to take. Since then, we have heard more and more things that are in our favor in regards to him. Please keep praying for him.
We will officially have Sweetpea Beauty by the end of October. I am not sure his time line, but of course I will blog about it as soon as I know anything! :)
So now you know a little bit more about our "unnamed" son. Can you help me blog name him please? :)
Ok, so I JUST remembered that I had picked Lighting McQueen as his blog name. If you can think of others, still send them my way. :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
100 in 2010
My friend Meredith did this, so I am playing along. Here are 100 random things about Cinderella:
- Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He is the ONLY way to Heaven. I hope I glorify Him with my life.
- Marriage is so much better than I ever dreamed it could be. I am married to my best friend. I love him more than I thought possible.
- I met my husband online on April 6, 2006 and we were married on April 7, 2007.
- I cannot wait to be a mommy.
- I am adopting a little girl with Spina Bifida. She is perfect, no matter what anyone else says. I have never met a happier, more easy going baby!
- I am hopefully adopting a little boy with Cerebral Palsy. He is so beautiful it hurts!
- I CAN have birth children for all I know- we are CHOOSING adoption!
- I KNOW abortion IS murder.
- I used to want a lot of kids. Like 8-10. God has helped me be content in what He gives me. With possibly 2 kids with special needs, I will have my hands more than full. But if God wants to give us more then I will not argue. ;)
- I gave my heart to 2 little foster boys. When they left it was as if they had died. SO painful. I do not regret one second of it!
- I love my dog way too much.
- When he dies, I do NOT want another dog. If my kids beg for one then I will get one only if it has zero personality- you know like it has to be a normal dog. Bolt is just too special.
- I have a television, but it is only for movies. Try to watch TV and you will get ants.
- I would move to Boston in a heartbeat.
- I love to decorate and create.
- I have my babies' first birthday all planned.
- I have found I love to plan parties.
- I get to do the maternity shoot and birth photography for my BFF this spring!
- Seeing Mr. Incredible as a dad made me love him even more.
- Like hearing him call someone, (Bolt or the boys), "Baby" other than me melts my heart.
- Cornerstone Community Bible Church is an amazing, Christ centered, Bible Church.
- I love my Church family more than they'll ever know.
- Ever since my sister died, I cry a whole lot less at movies.
- The only ones that get to me are ones with a car accident, husband dying, dog dying, or orphans, (happy or sad tears). I refuse to watch any of these movies except the ones with orphans. I do watch those.
- I absolutely refuse to watch Marley and Me. When I read the book I cried hysterically for 30 pages.
- I love the Harry Potter series.
- I own and have watched every Veggie Tales ever made. We love them!
- 4 years ago this October 6th, my sister Tracie died in a car accident. I miss her very much, but I know she is in Heaven so I can smile when I think of her.
- I don't like when people worship, pray to, or thank Tracie for things. She is not doing anything. She is worshiping at the throne of Jesus. The only One deserving of praise.
- I drink about 4 bottles of water a day. I have empty water bottles on the floorboard of my car. I look like a waterholic. Well, I am a waterholic.
- I love all things dairy. I could eat pizza every day, for every meal. And wash it down with ice cream.
- I think I am lactose intolerant, so I have cut out dairy for the last month or two. I miss pizza like you would a boyfriend who broke up with you.
- I used to struggle terribly with my self image. I had a great body and was borderline Bulimic. Now I am not so perfect, and yet content most of the time. :) {I do want to lose weight, but it no longer runs my life}
- I have a strong desire to correct grammar on facebook/blogs, but I hold back so I do not look like a freak or rude.
- With that being said: I know the rules of grammar, but I let them slip when I blog.
- I own about 25 pairs of Crocs. I own one pair of boots, two normal heels and tennis shoes. That is it. I love Crocs.
- I want the silver and gold glitter Toms, but with kiddos coming it is hard to spend $100 on shoes at the moment.
- We are almost debt free, (once my car is paid off, all we will have is the mortgage).
- We do not have credit cards.
- I WOULD change things about my past. Like no boyfriends etc.
- I greatly desire to move to China or Africa and work at an orphanage.
- I despise Eat Pray Love.
- I am disgusted by "Christian" churches that water down the Gospel.
- I can't stand infertility clinics. There are SO many orphans out there, people!
- I love leopard print and would love to have it on everything I own!
- I bawled my eyes out when Jon and Kate announced their divorce. We should be that heartbroken about divorce, but we have become desensitized.
- I am not the least bit attracted to Asian men. My husband is half Korean, and I DO find him very attractive.
- I was once called racist on this blog. Funny because my Savior is not white, my husband is not white, and neither of my babies are white. Hmm. So does that make me racist against white people then?
- I really want to name my son Wilberforce after William Wilberforce. Since I want him to love me, I will settle with making it his middle name. ;)
- I have about 6 books in the works- I just need to finish writing them.
- I love when Bolt smacks or snores. I hate when Mr. Incredible does that. ;)
- I was a cheerleader for 10 years. I do not want my daughter to be a cheerleader.
- I was in many pageants and won many titles. I do not want my daughter to be in pageants.
- I found out when I was 14 my body was made to be a dancer. Whoops. I chose Cheerleading instead.
- I had boyfriends from first grade, (if not earlier), till I was 16. Then I got Saved and for the first time in my life, I was single. For three years.
- I think middle school was more fun/memorable than high school and college.
- I wanted to change Woody and Buzz's names: Fen Stephen Keierleber and Mack Paul Keierleber. I still LOVE those names.
- My dad was adopted. Our last name originally was Papazoglou. My maiden name was Hester. Hester and Keierleber are both German, and I have no German blood in me, (that I know of).
- I know half of my genetic make up. I am 1/4 Greek. 1/8 Scottish, 1/8 Irish. I do not know what I am on my mom's side.
- I have a degree that I have never used. When I graduated from college I became a housewife. Best decision ever.
- I love Jimmy Fallon.
- I love Glee.
- Every spare penny I have goes to Hobby Lobby.
- I have Bolt's baby teeth. Don't judge me.
- 10:27 is a recurring number in my life.
- I love Sirius satellite radio.
- I have the most comfortable bed in the world, with the most comfortable sheets, (1,000 TC).
- While I want to live in Boston, I will settle for anywhere in New England- or at least the East coast.
- If I never ski again, I would be just fine.
- After 10 years of cheerleading the only bone, (I thought), I broke was my toe. I ran into a chair.
- I was kicked/elbowed in the nose numerous times during stunts in cheerleading. Never broke my nose, or so I thought. When I was 18, I found out I have a deviated septum. If I look in the mirror at the right angle, I can actually see it.
- I miss being on stage in plays.
- If real life was like a musical I would be quite happy.
- Last year was the first year in my life I actually enjoyed the cold. This year is the first year in my life I was actually looking forward to fall and winter.
- In 2008, I saw a yellow Tahoe at Carmax that we almost bought. I regret not buying it pretty much everyday.
- We do not celebrate Halloween, nor do we do Santa.
- I take a scalding hot bath at least once a day.
- I am the pickiest eater in the world. I wish I could change that about myself.
- I never thought I could go without soda. Well I gave it up, and after only 2 WEEKS I had lost the taste… I was shocked! It has been 2 years since I had soda.
- I have never drank alcohol and I am proud of it! (Nor have I smoked anything or done any kind of drugs, duh). lol
- I have been told, since I was a child even, that I look like Drew Barrymore. I don’t see it, but apparently everyone else does! lol
- At Texas Roadhouse, a hostess tells me every time she sees me that I look like Leighton Meester. It made sense when Yahoo did a "celebrity twin" thing and they had Drew and Leighton as twins.
- I used to eat Cici's Alfredo pizza pretty much every day. So much so that when Mr. Incredible called the manager knew his voice, and once he gave us one for free. I bet he misses us now. lol
- We are recognized at Chickfila by the workers. We eat there entirely way too much!
- I would be one happy camper if I could be with Mr. Incredible 24 hours a day!
- So much so in fact that I look forward to the day when he retires. lol
- My mom is younger than your mom. No really. My mom is younger than some of my friends with young children at my church. She is only 20 years older than me.
- My dad used to work for UPS and my stepdad works for Fedex.
- My dad and my stepmom were both adopted.
- I have met my biological grandpa. I spent 2 weeks with him in Greece.
- I am a sinner Saved by Grace.
- I am the oldest of 4 kids and yet I am always the youngest in groups, (school, groups in church etc).
- My husband is all muscle. He is huge. When we first met- he looked like an ape because his arms were so big. I am glad he has lost a little of that muscle.
- My husband can bench press, lift, and squat more than your husband can. No really, he can.
- I am married to Superman.
- My husband and his dad have the greatest father/son relationship of all time.
- I am a daughter in law to Superman as well.
- I am so annoyed that it is more socially acceptable to look down on dog breeders since, "there are so many dogs that need homes," and yet no one fights that way for KIDS!
- I have no desire to live in Cali. However, I want to go to Grace Community Church in California and be fed daily by John MacArthur. If Mr. Incredible does decide to ever go to seminary, I refuse to allow him to go anywhere else but to Master's seminary, (Johnny Mac's seminary).
- I know I have many enemies for my stances I take. I do not care. God is happy with me and that is all that matters.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Rounding out September
Dear Santa,
I HAVE to have these for Christmas this year. Or for my first birthday which is in the same month. I am not picky, either time will do. ;)




They can be purchased here. Also they have large sized ones. I particularly love the large elephant and giraffe. Or both. But since they are $110 a piece, I know they may be too expensive to ask for. :)
While my birth is miraculous like any other baby, I am really am a miracle of God on many many levels. Mommy will fill everyone in on those miracles soon. So you see, Santa, this is a must have for me! Oh, and I think my hopeful brother to be would like one too since he too is a miracle baby!
My mommy has always loved this shirt!
I am asking for this one as well for my hopeful brother to be. Mommy thought it was very clever and cute!
These can be purchased here. Size 12-18mths will work just fine. ;)
I promise to continue to be a good girl, Santa! Love, Sweetpea Beauty.
PS. Can any of you out there give my mommy ideas for blog nicknames for my brother? Remember: Disney character names please! Thanks!
Cinderella here. Man, my little girl is so smart! Blogging at 9 months old! I am so proud. ;)
Yesterday was Bolt's 4th birthday! Before I get to that though...
Yesterday my sister, Taylor's, car was wrecked, (possibly totaled), in her school parking lot. A district employee passed out in the parking lot, while driving his paint van, (the fumes were what caused him to pass out). Apparently her car looks even worse than this:
Considering October 6th is 4 years since my sister Tracie died in a car accident- we are VERY thankful that Taylor was NOT in the car when this happened! No one at all was injured, (he hit 2 other cars as well). However, we are not sure how the driver is doing. :/
Ok, Bolt's birthday! Ever since his first birthday, we have had a tradition of buying a look alike cake:
Look at the bottom of this pic- it is the only pic of the cake I have. Pretty cute though, huh?
His second birthday...
His third birthday. Each year they got cuter and last year they even had a puppy to go along with it! So, can someone please tell me what happened this year...
Is it just me or does this look more like a mouse than a dog? I was quite disappointed. :/
However, the body was still as cute as ever, and it still tasted amazing which is really what is important! lol
Bolt needs to go to the groomers oh so badly! That is on our to do list next week!
Sorry Bolt, the cake is for Mommy and Daddy...
you do however get your yearly celebratory lick of icing. ;)
I HAVE to have these for Christmas this year. Or for my first birthday which is in the same month. I am not picky, either time will do. ;)








These can be purchased here. Size 12-18mths will work just fine. ;)
I promise to continue to be a good girl, Santa! Love, Sweetpea Beauty.
PS. Can any of you out there give my mommy ideas for blog nicknames for my brother? Remember: Disney character names please! Thanks!
Cinderella here. Man, my little girl is so smart! Blogging at 9 months old! I am so proud. ;)
Yesterday was Bolt's 4th birthday! Before I get to that though...
Yesterday my sister, Taylor's, car was wrecked, (possibly totaled), in her school parking lot. A district employee passed out in the parking lot, while driving his paint van, (the fumes were what caused him to pass out). Apparently her car looks even worse than this:

Ok, Bolt's birthday! Ever since his first birthday, we have had a tradition of buying a look alike cake:








Monday, September 27, 2010
Showering Sweetpea
Saturday my friends at church threw a shower for Sweetpea Beauty. I was so humbled by the number of ladies who stepped forward to host it, (2 were out of town, but it would have been a total of 10 hostesses!) Just watching the numbers of, "I want to host to," comments on facebook go up and up, made Mr. Incredible and I feel very humbled, overjoyed and loved. Thank you all so much for hosting my shower! It was awesome!!
My friend Brooke made this awesome diaper cake!! Divya made the scrapbook where everyone wrote a little note- whether advice, encouragement or just congratulations. :) Mr. Incredible and I really love this! And which one of you thought to print out some of my adoption poems from 2 years ago?! PERFECT!!!
Abby meeting Sweetpea Beauty.
I look like a doof, but I love this picture!
Brooke also made diaper cupcakes! Great idea!!!
Sonya made this amazing cake! Is there no limit to what you can do girl? :) Mr. Incredible was also very impressed- with the looks and taste!
All of my hostesses minus one.
Chatting with Abigail. :) love this pic!
Outside of the party barn. :)
Ju Ju, Glo Glo, and Abby. 3 little girls that have me wrapped! ;)
Thanks to my baby sis Taylor for being the photog for this. She got so many great shots, including this one of Ju Ju and Glo Glo swinging.










Thursday, September 23, 2010
Baby News
Sorry for the late word, but I just got all the facts as well. :)
Sweetpea Beauty's mom has yet to be served. They cannot terminate her rights until she is served. SO, her trial yesterday was rescheculed for December 6 or the 9.
What does this mean for us? Nothing has changed. CPS has reiterated the fact that she is ours. Nothing can change that.{Praise God! Oh praise Him!!} The trail being moved only affects our time line in adopting her. No big deal.
We will still be transitioning her as planned. Only we will get her by the end of October instead of November. Praise God! When I heard it would be November, I was quite discouraged! We will begin the transition the first week in October! Her lawyer wanted her to be with us last week, but for whatever reason, this is how it is. Mr. Incredible and I are so excited to be visiting her tomorrow. I want to see her everyday, but I do not want to burden her amazing foster mom!
Keep praying, and thank you for your prayers already prayed!
Sweetpea Beauty's mom has yet to be served. They cannot terminate her rights until she is served. SO, her trial yesterday was rescheculed for December 6 or the 9.
What does this mean for us? Nothing has changed. CPS has reiterated the fact that she is ours. Nothing can change that.{Praise God! Oh praise Him!!} The trail being moved only affects our time line in adopting her. No big deal.
We will still be transitioning her as planned. Only we will get her by the end of October instead of November. Praise God! When I heard it would be November, I was quite discouraged! We will begin the transition the first week in October! Her lawyer wanted her to be with us last week, but for whatever reason, this is how it is. Mr. Incredible and I are so excited to be visiting her tomorrow. I want to see her everyday, but I do not want to burden her amazing foster mom!
Keep praying, and thank you for your prayers already prayed!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tomorrow, Tomorrow
You're only a day away! {In honor of our little Annie} ;)
Eesh! Tomorrow is a very important day for us Keierlebers. I am starting to get anxious! Our 2 babies go to court. One is just a normal, "see what is going on" court day, and the other is Sweetpea's TERMINATION hearing! This is HUGE!!! Please please please PRAY for termination! Also be praying for her "brother's" hearing as well. This could be a big day for him as well, depending on certain things which I cannot share here.
Tomorrow also happens to be Buzz's birthday. I won't say how old, to help protect his identity. I pray that he will be celebrated tomorrow, and that he will feel loved. I had planned birthday parties for him and Woody, I just hope that they can still have fun birthdays where they are now.
I am just bum bum bummin! I want my babies home with me now!!! I want to at least go visit them everyday, but I do not want to be a burden on their foster mom. I REALLY want to go right now, but I know her schedule, and Tuesdays are not good days to visit. :/
I have 11 copies of my book right now. Why is that significant? Well, normally I do not have any on me and you would have to order one online. When you order one directly from me, I am able to sign it for you! :) Click here to learn more!
Eesh! Tomorrow is a very important day for us Keierlebers. I am starting to get anxious! Our 2 babies go to court. One is just a normal, "see what is going on" court day, and the other is Sweetpea's TERMINATION hearing! This is HUGE!!! Please please please PRAY for termination! Also be praying for her "brother's" hearing as well. This could be a big day for him as well, depending on certain things which I cannot share here.
Tomorrow also happens to be Buzz's birthday. I won't say how old, to help protect his identity. I pray that he will be celebrated tomorrow, and that he will feel loved. I had planned birthday parties for him and Woody, I just hope that they can still have fun birthdays where they are now.
I am just bum bum bummin! I want my babies home with me now!!! I want to at least go visit them everyday, but I do not want to be a burden on their foster mom. I REALLY want to go right now, but I know her schedule, and Tuesdays are not good days to visit. :/

I have 11 copies of my book right now. Why is that significant? Well, normally I do not have any on me and you would have to order one online. When you order one directly from me, I am able to sign it for you! :) Click here to learn more!
Monday, September 20, 2010
I Can't Get No....
Ha, fooled ya didn't I? You thought I was going to say, "Satisfaction." ;)
I have been avoiding blogging. I have been bummed. Sweetpea is not here with us, and it seems we may have to wait longer than we originally thought. BUMMER.
I really don't know how families that adopt from overseas can wait for years at a time. I have to wait a month or two and I am all but losing it! Sheesh!
This weekend was crazy busy. Among the many things I had to do- one was that I went to the Mothers of Multiples garage sale, and I had a very successful trip:
This Wednesday is a very important day!!! 2 little angels have a court date- pray for both of those outcomes. Sweetpea is up for termination. Please pray the judge grants that!!!
Ha, fooled ya didn't I? You thought I was going to say, "Satisfaction." ;)
I have been avoiding blogging. I have been bummed. Sweetpea is not here with us, and it seems we may have to wait longer than we originally thought. BUMMER.
I really don't know how families that adopt from overseas can wait for years at a time. I have to wait a month or two and I am all but losing it! Sheesh!
This weekend was crazy busy. Among the many things I had to do- one was that I went to the Mothers of Multiples garage sale, and I had a very successful trip:

This Wednesday is a very important day!!! 2 little angels have a court date- pray for both of those outcomes. Sweetpea is up for termination. Please pray the judge grants that!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Almost Perfect, Not Quite
I know my title is from a children's book- anyone remember which?
I have two things in my life right now that are almost perfect, not quite.
1. I FINALLY got a phone call. Not THE phone call. A phone call. It sure seemed that when I got the call, we would get Sweetpea Beauty. Wrong. Today I meet with her CPS worker for a preliminary home study* and to set up meetings with our little girl: a few 2 hour supervised visits, and a few overnight stays. (*we didn't have to do any of this with Woody and Buzz because they were in our same agency so 1. they already accepted our Home Study, and 2. we were able to provide respite for them so we already had them overnight, etc).
One of the most discouraging words in the adoption process is probably preliminary. I think our time line is still the same, but I was hoping to get her sooner, like today, but that is ok. Almost perfect, not quite. {a week from today is her trial please keep praying!!}
2. Her room is also almost perfect, not quite.
We got her crib in last night, and rearranged all furniture. Very happy with everything, except one little detail:
Her bedding is so boring:
I bought this cause it had cheetah print, but it is boring here. I want solid animal print bedding. So, if you see say a cheetah print skirt and or a zebra print fitted sheet- please let me know ASAP!


I am very happy with this room. It was hard trying to fit all the furniture in, but I managed. :) Please keep praying!!!
I have two things in my life right now that are almost perfect, not quite.
1. I FINALLY got a phone call. Not THE phone call. A phone call. It sure seemed that when I got the call, we would get Sweetpea Beauty. Wrong. Today I meet with her CPS worker for a preliminary home study* and to set up meetings with our little girl: a few 2 hour supervised visits, and a few overnight stays. (*we didn't have to do any of this with Woody and Buzz because they were in our same agency so 1. they already accepted our Home Study, and 2. we were able to provide respite for them so we already had them overnight, etc).
One of the most discouraging words in the adoption process is probably preliminary. I think our time line is still the same, but I was hoping to get her sooner, like today, but that is ok. Almost perfect, not quite. {a week from today is her trial please keep praying!!}
2. Her room is also almost perfect, not quite.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
In Awe
This time last year I began praying for a few friends that were pregnant. One in particular started it all. Taylor was on bed rest, with a baby at home, and a husband overseas, (Gracie girl is here now and healthy and all is well)! Then I began praying for other pregnant friends, (Meredith). By February, I knew of over 15, (got up to 21+), ladies who were pregnant. I began praying for them as a whole. Praying for them to STAY pregnant, praying for healthy deliveries, and for healthy babies. I am still praying for you all- if you are still pregnant (Haley), or if you have had your baby- I have been praising God for him/her!
It has been nothing short of a miracle to see so many healthy pregnancies and babies being born!
You may remember this post from back in June. My friend was given a 6% chance of getting pregnant and was told by her specialist that their only hope was IVF. They said no and began the adoption process. Well, yesterday she called me and said she got a positive test. We were excited yet held back since a year ago I got a false positive. They are super rare, but considering her chances, we were reserved.
I told her to go buy another brand and see what it says. I drove over to her house with a revelation. I will take a test from the same box. If mine is positive, then the box may be faulty and we could have her hubs take the third! If he was positive, well, you know! lol Mine is on the top:
At this point I KNEW without a doubt that she was pregnant!! That was the confirmation I needed. When my urine was crossing over the window she was asking, "so you see anything yet?" "No??!" Apparently, the pregnancy line shows up before the other line. So we knew then and there that she was pregnant- gave it a few more secs to confirm and sure enough, I only had one line! See how dark her preg line is?!
Her and I ran to Walmart to get healthy food, and a digital pregnancy test. She got home and took it and in NO TIME, she was yelling through the bathroom door, "IT SAYS PREGNANT!"
NEVER underestimate God!! Science said it wouldn't happen- God said, "Oh yeah, watch Me!" Regardless of what happens next- all that matters is right now she is pregnant- something that was impossible! God deserves all the glory and praise!!
So folks, I am going to be an auntie! I was always going to be an auntie when they adopted, but now we get this confirmation a little sooner! Please pray for her pregnancy, especially if I have been praying for yours, (and since I have been praying for 21+ of you- that probably means YOU need to pray- I was even praying for people I don't know like McMama and Angie Smith).
My baby update: She should be here any day- we are just waiting for a phone call. They want us to have her before her trial, and considering it is a week from tomorrow- we should get her any day now. It is killing me!!! I have no patience!
Auntie Elise, (new mommy to be mentioned above), bought this for her at Walmart yesterday....
I first saw it a few weeks ago and have been coveting it! I LOVE the princesses if you couldn't tell, and this has 2 of my 3 fav, (missing Belle). Tiana is not my fav, nor is her movie, but I think Sweetpea Beauty will appreciate her being on there!
It has been nothing short of a miracle to see so many healthy pregnancies and babies being born!
You may remember this post from back in June. My friend was given a 6% chance of getting pregnant and was told by her specialist that their only hope was IVF. They said no and began the adoption process. Well, yesterday she called me and said she got a positive test. We were excited yet held back since a year ago I got a false positive. They are super rare, but considering her chances, we were reserved.
I told her to go buy another brand and see what it says. I drove over to her house with a revelation. I will take a test from the same box. If mine is positive, then the box may be faulty and we could have her hubs take the third! If he was positive, well, you know! lol Mine is on the top:

Her and I ran to Walmart to get healthy food, and a digital pregnancy test. She got home and took it and in NO TIME, she was yelling through the bathroom door, "IT SAYS PREGNANT!"
NEVER underestimate God!! Science said it wouldn't happen- God said, "Oh yeah, watch Me!" Regardless of what happens next- all that matters is right now she is pregnant- something that was impossible! God deserves all the glory and praise!!
So folks, I am going to be an auntie! I was always going to be an auntie when they adopted, but now we get this confirmation a little sooner! Please pray for her pregnancy, especially if I have been praying for yours, (and since I have been praying for 21+ of you- that probably means YOU need to pray- I was even praying for people I don't know like McMama and Angie Smith).
My baby update: She should be here any day- we are just waiting for a phone call. They want us to have her before her trial, and considering it is a week from tomorrow- we should get her any day now. It is killing me!!! I have no patience!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Three Days
The last three days were oh so busy!! I have 3 posts to catch up with, so you might want to buckle up for this!
On Friday my BABY sister turned 18!!!! CRAZY!!! That means that my 44 year old mother has 4 adult children now! Just a few years ago it was 4 teenagers, now it is 4 adults! Crazy!!
Taylor, I hope you had an awesome birthday! We need to get together soon and watch movies and paint our nails in cool patterns/colors that mom will hate again! lol
Cute story: At one point when we were younger, I looked at Taylor in response to how quickly she was growing up and said, "You still seem 6 to me." With great attitude, "I'm not 6, I'm 7." "Taylor, you're 8!" HA!
Come over soon! Sweetpea Beauty told me she wants Aunt Taylor to come over very often, so you better not break her heart! ;)
September 11th passed over the weekend. Here is a post from last year where I did an in memory from the 7th and 8th anniversaries. Here is a post from last year that is SO very important even more now- considering the mosque they want to build in the area.
Friday we had girls' sleepover at my friend, Brooke's house. I thought I would have to arrive late, but since I hadn't heard anything about celebrating my sister's birthday that night, I agreed to go. All day Friday Brooke and I ran around town garage sale shopping, resale shopping, and running to my usual haunts like Hobby Lobby. Then more friends joined us and we stayed up way too late! Around midnight we decided that we needed to go out in our PJs. Saturday we did some more shop, shop, shopping!!

We went to Denny's and even though it was passed midnight, it was PACKED. We sat ourselves down and realized that no one was hungry. We got up before anyone noticed we were there and headed to another place we knew to be open 24 hours:
Yep, we walked around Walmart for a good amount of time in the middle of the night in our PJs. So much fun ladies! Can't wait to do this again!!
I have a few projects to do this week with stuff I bought at the garage sale. I also bought these letters at Hobby Lobby, but I couldn't wait till today to do them- I had to do them Saturday. Sunday I hung them...
When I laid out all the paper, I didn't realize how white the "M" was. Oh well, in person it really doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.
Close up of the "Ns" Love how they all turned out! :)
Her room is ready- all we need is her crib and HER of course! :) Any day now. Any day!
When I put the candies on the ceiling in the playroom, my pom poms had to go. No fear, they have been recycled:


and lastly:
Here is some of the loot I got from the resale shops! ♥
On Friday my BABY sister turned 18!!!! CRAZY!!! That means that my 44 year old mother has 4 adult children now! Just a few years ago it was 4 teenagers, now it is 4 adults! Crazy!!

Cute story: At one point when we were younger, I looked at Taylor in response to how quickly she was growing up and said, "You still seem 6 to me." With great attitude, "I'm not 6, I'm 7." "Taylor, you're 8!" HA!
Come over soon! Sweetpea Beauty told me she wants Aunt Taylor to come over very often, so you better not break her heart! ;)
September 11th passed over the weekend. Here is a post from last year where I did an in memory from the 7th and 8th anniversaries. Here is a post from last year that is SO very important even more now- considering the mosque they want to build in the area.
Friday we had girls' sleepover at my friend, Brooke's house. I thought I would have to arrive late, but since I hadn't heard anything about celebrating my sister's birthday that night, I agreed to go. All day Friday Brooke and I ran around town garage sale shopping, resale shopping, and running to my usual haunts like Hobby Lobby. Then more friends joined us and we stayed up way too late! Around midnight we decided that we needed to go out in our PJs. Saturday we did some more shop, shop, shopping!!
I have a few projects to do this week with stuff I bought at the garage sale. I also bought these letters at Hobby Lobby, but I couldn't wait till today to do them- I had to do them Saturday. Sunday I hung them...
Her room is ready- all we need is her crib and HER of course! :) Any day now. Any day!
When I put the candies on the ceiling in the playroom, my pom poms had to go. No fear, they have been recycled:
Thursday, September 9, 2010
God's Timing...
...How Sweet It Is.
Now why did I say, "How sweet it is?"
I am planning the kids' first birthday party. I feel like a copycat, but I HAVE to have a Candyland birthday party- have you seen the playroom?!? lol I will combine their birthdays and have it one day in December, (Lord willing of course). :) I have already come up with pretty cute ideas, I am already looking forward to their party! lol
I am really dying over here right now. Dying to hold my Sweetpea. Any day, any hour, any minute, I will get the call that she will be on her way here to her (Lord willing) permanent home. I can't stinkin wait!!!
Sweetpea Beauty, we already love you so much, and we can't wait to have you here with us!!!

You know, part of me wants to start a whole new blog and leave this one behind. Why you ask? Because in Dec of 2007 at its inception, I was already telling the blog world that we would be adopting soon. I cannot tell you how many times I have posted about the adoption process, and now here we are September 2010, and it is just now coming to fruition. It is kinda embarrassing cause y'all probably think I am one huge flake.
I am not, I assure you. It is hard to decipher what God's will is in our lives sometimes. However, I will not make a new blog. All those times that we were going to start the process and then didn't- they weren't a waste of time. You might think they were, but we know they were not.
God was growing us. Teaching us patience, teaching us to let go, teaching us that His time is perfect. There were so many little ones that we started to pursue, that ended up getting adopted- that was how we knew it was a closed door at the time.
Even recently, I have had some major roller coasters that I have skipped here on the blog.
I got a phone call from our agency and they said they had a sibling group of 3 for us- all blonde hair, blue eyes, all under the age of 4. Doesn't get more picture perfect than that, huh? Well, to us it wasn't- to the world it was. I agreed to meet them because we did not want to pass up an opportunity, but we were not 100%. Then I got word about Sweetpea Beauty. I almost passed her up because I felt like I was committed to the sibling group or something. Well, I shook that and I called about Sweetpea, and she was perfect!! She was just what we were waiting for- no settling there, ya know? So, I went and met her on a Tuesday. That Wednesday, I got the call for the sibling group again to set up our meeting time. I had to TURN DOWN 3 CHILDREN. SO HARD! The next day was the day Mr. Incredible got to meet his little girl and we got to meet her lawyer. When I spoke with her CPS worker that day, she asked if I could take in a sibling group of a 2 year old and 2 month old. I had to SAY NO. AGAIN. SO, in 24 hours, I turned away 5 CHILDREN. You think it is hard passing up puppies on doggie adoption day at Petco? What about not giving an extra dollar to Chili's for St. Jude's? Yeah, try turning away 5 children in 24 hours. NOT EASY.
It had to be done. It was the right thing to do. Now we are getting out Sweetpea Beauty, and we just might get her "brother," too. Who knows: what if Woody and Buzz come back. If we have the 2 babies, it will be doable. If I took in all 7 children that I have recently heard about, I couldn't take in our boys too. 1. too many kiddos, 2. CPS only allows you so many kids per square foot, so technically I couldn't take in all 7 if I wanted to.
Also, both our (hopeful) babies have some special needs. Most kids out of foster care will have special needs of some kind, but ours do have some specific physical special needs. They will need more attention. They do no deserve to have to share attention with that many other children.
To sum it all up, being obedient to God is not always easy, but there are blessings that come along with it- even if it takes almost 3 years to see them. :)
Now why did I say, "How sweet it is?"
I am planning the kids' first birthday party. I feel like a copycat, but I HAVE to have a Candyland birthday party- have you seen the playroom?!? lol I will combine their birthdays and have it one day in December, (Lord willing of course). :) I have already come up with pretty cute ideas, I am already looking forward to their party! lol
I am really dying over here right now. Dying to hold my Sweetpea. Any day, any hour, any minute, I will get the call that she will be on her way here to her (Lord willing) permanent home. I can't stinkin wait!!!
Sweetpea Beauty, we already love you so much, and we can't wait to have you here with us!!!

You know, part of me wants to start a whole new blog and leave this one behind. Why you ask? Because in Dec of 2007 at its inception, I was already telling the blog world that we would be adopting soon. I cannot tell you how many times I have posted about the adoption process, and now here we are September 2010, and it is just now coming to fruition. It is kinda embarrassing cause y'all probably think I am one huge flake.
I am not, I assure you. It is hard to decipher what God's will is in our lives sometimes. However, I will not make a new blog. All those times that we were going to start the process and then didn't- they weren't a waste of time. You might think they were, but we know they were not.
God was growing us. Teaching us patience, teaching us to let go, teaching us that His time is perfect. There were so many little ones that we started to pursue, that ended up getting adopted- that was how we knew it was a closed door at the time.
Even recently, I have had some major roller coasters that I have skipped here on the blog.
I got a phone call from our agency and they said they had a sibling group of 3 for us- all blonde hair, blue eyes, all under the age of 4. Doesn't get more picture perfect than that, huh? Well, to us it wasn't- to the world it was. I agreed to meet them because we did not want to pass up an opportunity, but we were not 100%. Then I got word about Sweetpea Beauty. I almost passed her up because I felt like I was committed to the sibling group or something. Well, I shook that and I called about Sweetpea, and she was perfect!! She was just what we were waiting for- no settling there, ya know? So, I went and met her on a Tuesday. That Wednesday, I got the call for the sibling group again to set up our meeting time. I had to TURN DOWN 3 CHILDREN. SO HARD! The next day was the day Mr. Incredible got to meet his little girl and we got to meet her lawyer. When I spoke with her CPS worker that day, she asked if I could take in a sibling group of a 2 year old and 2 month old. I had to SAY NO. AGAIN. SO, in 24 hours, I turned away 5 CHILDREN. You think it is hard passing up puppies on doggie adoption day at Petco? What about not giving an extra dollar to Chili's for St. Jude's? Yeah, try turning away 5 children in 24 hours. NOT EASY.
It had to be done. It was the right thing to do. Now we are getting out Sweetpea Beauty, and we just might get her "brother," too. Who knows: what if Woody and Buzz come back. If we have the 2 babies, it will be doable. If I took in all 7 children that I have recently heard about, I couldn't take in our boys too. 1. too many kiddos, 2. CPS only allows you so many kids per square foot, so technically I couldn't take in all 7 if I wanted to.
Also, both our (hopeful) babies have some special needs. Most kids out of foster care will have special needs of some kind, but ours do have some specific physical special needs. They will need more attention. They do no deserve to have to share attention with that many other children.
To sum it all up, being obedient to God is not always easy, but there are blessings that come along with it- even if it takes almost 3 years to see them. :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Daydream Believer
******UPDATE: Sweetpea Beauty's "brother" may be ours after all!! We heard from his CPS worker today that it is lookin pretty good!! {nothing set in stone, but still encouraging)!! Please keep praying for him!
SWEETPEA BEAUTY: Her lawyer said today that it is gonna happen!!! CPS wants her to live with us before her court date! THIS IS AMAZING NEWS!!! She is ours!!! Pretty much anyway. We still have her court date, and her judge could choose to not grant termination just yet, (most likely we will get termination then, but still- not set in stone). That is why I will again ask for you to pray for her!! Soon, very soon, she will be in our home!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Jesus!! *******
Original Post:
I got the last piece of the Candyland room in the mail yesterday:

It is a rug, but it is also the actual game. It came with cards and over sized pieces:

How cute are they?! The game and these pieces double as decor. :)
I have been doing some massive amounts of daydreamin lately. I can't wait to have Sweetpea Beauty in my arms and home forever. I am also daydreaming about her "brother." She has been in the foster home with a little boy that is a few weeks older than her. He has not left my mind since I met them, and we would love it if he could be ours too. We shall see what God has in store for him and us. :) Please continue to pray for Sweetpea Beauty, and also for her "brother."
I have also been daydreaming about Boston. A lot. Actually literally dreaming about it too. I want to move there so badly! Since we went in April, I have been dreaming about returning the first weekend in October. 1. Boston in the fall. Nuff said. 2. The Sox are playing the Yankees again.
Dreaming about Boston has really gotten me in the mood for fall, and since it is September, I brought out my fall decor:
Last year these were on our mantle, but since I like the decor that is there now, I placed these puppies here.
I was blog hopping yesterday, and I found these pumpkins that I want to make!! Similar colors as the ones pictured, but also including this fabric:
This is my FAV fabric!!! From Hobby Lobby, I need countless yards of it!!! :)
SWEETPEA BEAUTY: Her lawyer said today that it is gonna happen!!! CPS wants her to live with us before her court date! THIS IS AMAZING NEWS!!! She is ours!!! Pretty much anyway. We still have her court date, and her judge could choose to not grant termination just yet, (most likely we will get termination then, but still- not set in stone). That is why I will again ask for you to pray for her!! Soon, very soon, she will be in our home!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Jesus!! *******
Original Post:
I got the last piece of the Candyland room in the mail yesterday:
I have been doing some massive amounts of daydreamin lately. I can't wait to have Sweetpea Beauty in my arms and home forever. I am also daydreaming about her "brother." She has been in the foster home with a little boy that is a few weeks older than her. He has not left my mind since I met them, and we would love it if he could be ours too. We shall see what God has in store for him and us. :) Please continue to pray for Sweetpea Beauty, and also for her "brother."
I have also been daydreaming about Boston. A lot. Actually literally dreaming about it too. I want to move there so badly! Since we went in April, I have been dreaming about returning the first weekend in October. 1. Boston in the fall. Nuff said. 2. The Sox are playing the Yankees again.
Dreaming about Boston has really gotten me in the mood for fall, and since it is September, I brought out my fall decor:
I was blog hopping yesterday, and I found these pumpkins that I want to make!! Similar colors as the ones pictured, but also including this fabric:
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