
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back to Basics

Ok, last "back" joke I promise! ;)

Since my back left me being able to barely walk without being in pain- I was able to get zero to no projects done, (well except caring for our Sweetpea and my BFF). :)

Sweetpea's birthday party is going to be THIS Saturday! I have been planning this party for months, and now I am in a little time crunch! I am having to play catch up for the party and for my house in general. Any movement at all hurt me, and I wanted to heal sans medicine so I had no choice but to take it easy. Since I had Sweetpea, I couldn't rest as much as I liked. Changing her diaper and buckling her car seat were the most painful things I had to do. So, little things like LAUNDRY haven't been done in over a month. Now, we DO have clean clothes, they have just been piling and piling up on our living room couch. :)

I would say my back is 98% healed, (I bet I am still not in of the clear but I am not in pain all day and some days I have zero pain!). Back to work Mama! Do you remember how I was going decorate our room in a Boston theme? Haven't. Even. Started. The week I was going to start was the week I pulled my back. I would like our room completed for her party.

So, this week I have to:
  • clean the house
  • clean our room
  • paint our room
  • decorate our room
  • finish party decor
  • put up party decor
  • make party food
  • make birthday cake
  • finish misc projects that have made their home on our dining room table
  • be a wife
  • take care of a 11 month old
Just to name a few. And not in that order necessarily. ;)

Now, if you think I am crazy- let me comfort you- my room really is last on my list. SO, if I get too bogged down with all that, you may come to house on Sat and see a sign on our bedroom door that reads, "Under Construction." Just warning you. :)

Ok, to start off my to do list, I completed a few projects that will no longer reside on our dining room table, (though they have a few room mates that need to be completed as well). :)
Frames for Sweetpea's room...
My favorite! :) If I would have thought it through better, I would have covered the purple and showed the blue- oh well...
Once again, I should have thought it through better- giraffes on their sides. Oh well, still cute, right? :)
I bought these cookie ornaments forever ago. Ready for the playroom. :) This project is also imperfect, BUT I PROMISE it looks better and closer to perfect in person! :)
My ever faithful sidekick, keeping me company tonight while Mr. Incredible practices his sermon for tomorrow. {Praying for you Babe, I know you will do great! I'm so proud of you!}

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holiday Spirit

Here at the Keierleber Casa, we will not be decorating for Christmas till a little later this year. We are having a first birthday extravaganza the first weekend in December, THEN we will decorate for Christmas. BUT that didn't stop me from putting a tree up already:
I got this little guy for the kids' playroom. For the party he will reside in his temporary home of our entryway- then he will live YEAR ROUND in the playroom. :)
My BFF's mom, (my friend who is bedridden), hand made me this awesome scarf. Isn't it gorgeous?! And the model is stinkin' cute too!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Quick Catch Up

Besides being busy with a baby, bff who is bedridden and other things that life is full of, Mommy and Baby are a lil under the weather.

Yesterday I had a migraine with an aura. For more info of my first episode click here.

Sweetpea projectile vomited at Chili's today. She is borderline with a fever now. Hmmm....

Ok, way too tired to blog but here are some sneak peek pics from our photo session for their first birthday and our Christmas cards:

Still growing out my hair- but so far- I am not a fan. I like it when I do it but when I see it on film- ugh.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stuck Like Glue

First of all, Happy Birthday to my little Nemo. I wish you were here with us so we could celebrate with you! We pray that you will be with us forever soon!

Sweetpea Beauty has taken a liking to Sugarland's "Stuck Like Glue." I used to have satellite radio, and so for a good 2 years I listened to nothing by Christian radio. Well, now I have one station that either has bad reception or plays a song that I do not like, so I am stuck playing the same cds over and over. I love music, so this too gets old. I have been surfing back to my old country haunts when I get a little musically bored. This song is so catchy and Sweetpea LOVES it. She dances and "sings" to the chorus! She really loves it- Mr. Incredible not so much, but sorry Honey- she loves it. lol

I played this music video last night to show Mr. Incredible how much she loved it and a. Mr. Incredible found the video funny and b. he said I look a little like the lead singer and I need to cut my hair like her.

Ok, first of all, I am growing out my hair, so we will revisit this conversation in about a year, and secondly, I do not look like her! But thanks Babe! lol

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Spoiled Saturday

This Mama was so spoiled today! Spending the day with my hubby and babies is just the best way to spend any day! On top of that I also got to see my mom, my sister and my Church family! Yep, all in one day! It is good to be me. ;)

We started out this morning at a craft show and my mom spoiled me with some goodies:
Flowers for Sweetpea's headbands. I am in love!
A tutu for Sweetpea's first birthday. :)
Gumball bibs for their first birthday. :)
These are from Target, but my mom bought them for me just because. :) How perfect are they for their first birthday and later for the playroom!? Thanks Mom for spoiling me!

We were supposed to host a youth event today, but nobody came so we just hung out a little at our Church with another event, and then we spent the day as a family. I was able to convince Mr. Incredible to take us to the mall, and he obliged his spoiled wife. ;) I guess he decided I wasn't spoiled enough today because he bought me these:
EEK! Black glitter Toms!! These glitter even better in person. :) If you haven't heard, Toms gives a pair to children in need when you buy a pair, so it is definitely a win-win. Now I am still loyal to my Crocs, but I will be purchasing all the glitter Tom's- cause hello, they GLITTER!! :) I still want the pink, silver and gold glitter Toms. Have you noticed that all the Toms fit a lil differently? I def will have to buy them in person and not online for this reason. Thanks babe for spoiling me with these shoes and for spoiling me in so many other areas! I love you!
While listening to the song, "What Can I Do?" we saw this sunset. We are ever so spoiled by our Heavenly Father ever second of everyday and we tend to forget that! DON'T!!! :)

"When I see the beauty of a sunset's glory, amazing artistry across the evening sky...
It awes and humbles me to be loved by a God so high.

What can I do, but thank You?
What can I do but give my life to you a Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
What can I do, but praise You?
Everyday make everything I do a Hallelujah, Hallelujah!"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tis the Season for Shutterfly

First of all, this is my 500th post! To celebrate, I have a little something for you...

I have been a loyal customer for over 3 years with Shutterfly. I have been a very happy customer. Only once I have had to deal with Customer Service, and they were just lovely. Rare it seems, but that is why I am a loyal customer. :) Last year I actually had a "House Party" for Shutterfly where I was able to give out free photo books. So much fun!

With Christmas just around the corner, here are some great Christmas card and gift ideas via Shutterfly.
I prefer my Christmas cards to be Christ centered- since this Holiday is about HIM. I just love this card. It is Christ centered and since I will be debuting our two newest gifts- well, I think you can see why this is my pick this year. :)
We are getting first birthday/Christmas card pictures done this Sunday. With the "theme" of these pics, this colorful card would be perfect if the first card wasn't already so perfect! :) Love love love the colors. :)
I love this one because don't we all love pictures in cards- this one is open for so many! :) I will definitely be using this in the future. :) And of course the Truth this card proclaims!! {Shutterfly- keep the Christ centered cards comin' please!} :)
This was our card from last year, except of course it was for 2009. :)

Order your Christmas cards here. Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… sign up:

Have I ever told you how in love I am with their photo books?!
Every year, I make a "year book" for our family. Here are the first 3,(4 actually because I combined 2006 and 2007). These are the 8x8 hard books. Do you see the smaller soft cover book? Well, I plan for our the kids' birthdays: I will get an 8x8 for me, and the smaller soft cover book for them to commemorate each birthday. {I want them to have their own collection as well). :)
Here are some of our other photo books. Order your own photo books here.

What better gift than a personalized calendar? We love giving these as gifts, and we love buying one every year for ourselves!
I am so excited that this year they have added the option to put a picture on the date. EEK!!
2008, 2009, and 2010. We LOVE these calendars!! Get yours here.
Here is something I have always wanted- now that I am a mommy, I know whose picture to put here. :) You can buy it here- for yourself or me. Hey, just sayin.... ;)
Oh, and you can never go wrong with gift cards. This Shutterfly loving Mama will never turn one of these babies down! :)

Happy Shopping! :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Faceless Child

November is Orphan/Adoption Awareness month!

Are you AWARE that there are close to 200,000,000 ORPHANS in the world, and if only 7% of the Church would ADOPT there would be no need for orphanages?

Are you AWARE that if every Church in Texas took in ONE foster child- there would be ZERO kids in Foster care?

Are you aware that you can make a huge impact in the life of an orphan?

You can adopt, foster, help fund someone's adoption or just pray pray pray. Click here to learn more.

I was speaking for the Fatherless Child, now meet my Faceless children:

I feel bad hiding their faces in this way, but I also feel bad not putting pics on this blog. If I don't do this, I won't have anything to blog about for quite awhile, (well, hopefully just one more month). :)October 29th, Sweetpea's Gotcha Day. She was watching her Aunt Taylor perform at halftime.
October 30th, we went to a pumpkin patch and got some really cute pics! I must retract a statement I made on here a few weeks ago about Halloween. I have never had a problem really with Halloween. Mr. Incredible never celebrated it, so we decided not to, (I never had a problem with it, but I never really cared for it either so I didn't fight for it). Well, we do a Halloween outreach carnival type thing with our Church. Mr. Incredible was ok with that, so I asked if they could dress up on other Halloweens as long as we stick with the church carnival circuits. He said yes. So we do kinda celebrate Halloween. :) Here are my monsters, (I didn't want to spend money on real costumes till they are old enough to play dress up in them- you know get more than a few hours use out of them). :) {I also liked these outfits cause once they outgrow them I can make something out of them for their bathroom} Oh, and obviously Nemo came for a visit. :)
The other day I got the CUTEST pic ever of Sweetpea, but I can't show you it fully. :/ We were at Aunt Elise's house, (my BFF who is super sick and prego). We are there pretty much everyday. :)
This weekend it got pretty cold. Living in Texas you get used to wacky weather. The week it was in the 90s then that weekend dropped drastically- like 60s in the day (high 30s/low 40s overnight). You know that eventually it will get warm again so you don't put the heat on until winter really hits, (read late December if we're lucky). Well, we learned very quickly that that rule does not apply if you have a baby in the house. You HAVE to use heat or you will have an icicle baby. I felt so so so bad. So, I took her out of bed and wrapped her in her blanket till I fixed her bottle. Oops! Sorry my little Baby Burrito!
Sorry Mr. Incredible, I seemed to have caught you off guard. I was trying to get a pic of Sweetpea's Shades! Aren't they hysterical? Unfortunately since it is fall, stores think that you do not need shades anymore- apparently it is only sunny in summer?? So, I had to find these BOY sunglasses on sale. Bummer. Oh well, she does need glasses cause she is super sensitive to the light- she gets that from me- I have to wear sunglasses pretty much at all times. :)

I hope these few pics will hold you over for awhile. At least you know that there really is a baby in our lives keeping me busy! :) If I could show her face, I would be blogging everyday. :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Touching Base

Life is crazy as usual. We have been super busy and this weekend is no different. I took this pic especially for y'all since I still can't post her face, (or any of the 300+pics I am collecting of her).
My color coordinated and crying little girl at her first visit to Texas Roadhouse yesterday. First of very many. :) Oh, and God bless the creator of the Bumbo!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


A dear friend of mine has an awesome new business. MyLife Wrap Bracelets are super cute, hand made bracelets that show your life. You can put kids' names, sorority name, anything you want! My friend made me one for my shower gift and I got it last night! I WAS SOOOOO EXCITED!!
Don't know what that word means since my kids are named Sweetpea Beauty and Nemo. ;)
The backside...
Seriously, what is up with these names? ;)
Isn't this awesome!? Be sure to check out her website and order your bracelet today!! Christmas is a month away people!!!

Thanks so much again Jackie!!! I love it and will wear it all the time!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Culprit

Sorry for my lack of posts. Sweetpea is not the culprit I promise! There are however two culprits.

1. My BFF will be on a sort of bed rest till about Jan so we spend our days with her. Today we actually went out of the house and ran to none other than Hobby Lobby. It was a good day for her so we celebrated with running around- this added to her good day. :)

2. I have good news. Really good news about Nemo. But, as I have said many times before on this blog, I cannot share this good news with you yet. Sorry- see why I avoid blogging?

Ok, off to take my nightly, (sometimes twice a day), scalding hot bath, then bed. Good Night Friends!Here is our family pumpikn patch. It is missing one pumpkin- I have it ready to go- just didn't want to jinx* anything. :) *Not that jinxing is real or anything- just couldn't think of another way of saying it. lol

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ecstatically Exhausted

We have been beyond busy this weekend.

We officially welcomed Sweetpea Beauty home {permanently} on Friday. October 29th- Gotcha Day. :)

We spent the weekend like chickens with our heads cut off. LITERALLY. SO BUSY! I did not turn on the computer once, nor get anything else done other than change diapers and outfits for little miss Beauty. ;)

Here are a few pics of the kiddos. Sorry, I took over 200 this weekend alone, but I can't show you them till December! Sorry!
Sweetpea lifting her legs. Now this usually would not be that big of a deal, but seeing as children with Spina Bifida are not supposed to walk- this is a big deal. She lifted them this high all by herself. There is a very good chance she will walk people!! :) Also, here she is in part of her pumpkin patch attire. We got some really cute shots there!! Wish I could post them here!
We got to visit Nemo as well. Love this pic! PRAY PRAY PRAY for him!!! PLEASE!!! We were put down today as wanting him- just waiting to hear if we were okay-ed. EEK. So so so nervous. I am surprised I didn't hear anything today actually. :/
Sorry for the artwork- needed to hide her face a bit.

We are so in love with our little girl! You don't think you can love her more, and then you get her up in the morning. Everyday it is the same thing- it just keeps growing growing growing. :)