


I am now 3 years away from 30! I made a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30. While I was looking around for ideas, I saw a lot of lists with things I have been blessed enough to already have:

1. graduate from college- check- Dec 2007
2. Get Married- check-April 2007
3. Have babies- check-Annie :)
4. Write a book- check- check it out here.
and the list goes on...

I am beyond blessed. But, there are still some goals I want to accomplish- some I need to and some I would like to.

(I will cross out goals when I am finished, and highlighted ones indicate some in process.)

1. Foster
2.Start my non profit
3. Bible in a year
3. Homeschool
4. Take a pic of Sweet Caroline everyday for a year, starting on her 4th birthday
6. dress up clothes shoot
7. Use camcorder
8. organize house and keep it that way
9. weight loss and keep it off
10. half marathon
11. 4 half marathons in 2016, the year I turn 30!
12. be creative in cooking/eating
13. dress up
14. learn piano/guitar
15. master sewing machine
16. master embroidery machine
17. master dslr
18. master photoshop
19. finish my YA novel
20. finish children's books in the works
21. master Sweet Caroline's hair
22. Disney World
23. Disneyland 9/2013
24. Disney Cruise
25. Boston 5/2013
26. Legit road trip
27. Visit friends that live in other states
28. Sid and Ann
29. Africa/Hungary
30. Tattoo?

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