
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Our anniversary weekend... ♥

Monday will be our 1 year Wedding Anniversary! AND, Sunday (the day before) will be our 2 year anniversary of meeting! I can't believe it has only been 2 years since we met! April 6 2006 was the day I met and fell in love with My Lobster! Everyone thought we were crazy for getting married so fast.. we met April 6 2006 and were married April 7 2007! BUT when God brings you together, then what is the point in waiting? I am so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with My !Lobster He is an amazing man of God, an amazing husband and a future amazing daddy!

I was listening to "Rebecca Lynn" by Bryan White today and the bridge really describes our relationship: "When love is wrong, it dies, and that's the way it goes. But when its right, your love grows!" Couldn't be more true!

Tomorrow My Lobster is taking me to the San Louis resort in Galveston for the weekend! My camera is in the shop so I won't have pictures! :( Maybe I'll have to buy a disposable camera, (terrible quality, I know, but I WANT pictures)! Then on Monday we are going to go to the Taste of Texas for an anniversary dinner! I haven't been there since I was nine and on a field trip, and My Lobster has never been there!

It is crazy to me to think back to 2 years ago where I was in my life, to where I am now! God is so amazing, and He continues to bless me with way more than I could ever deserve!

For your enjoyment, here is our (pictorial) love story...

These were our profile pictures when we met online at Yahoo personals... I was embarrassed to admit this at first, but now I don't care! :) April 6 2006

My Lobster came down to finally meet me in person mid May 2006. We were already in love, so this was a very nerve wracking meeting, but it was a wonderful weekend, (the long distant relationship continued until December 2006).

He proposed on August 21, 2006 at City Hall in Sugar Land, (that first weekend in May we had our first kiss there)! ♥

April 7 2007, we became husband and wife.... our lives began!!!!!!!!



  1. Congratulations you two! You guys are a role model for other young married couples. We are so proud of ya'll. You will so enjoy San Loui resort. The pool is great and the beach is right there. Oh and the rooms are nice too. :) We love you guys!

  2. Hey Tricia! Thank you so much for my comment. You just never know who is gonna look at your blog or what messages you have on it!lol..That is how god works! You guys seem to have such a heart for the lord and that is awesome. My dh Chad has been in the Navy Reserves like I said for almost 8 years now. We have been married for almost 15yrs(May 22)and have been together for 21 years(probably as old as you are!LOL)We went to Cumberland College in Kentucky(a baptist liberal arts college). Chad was a Youth Pastor for 5 years and we were at 2 different churches. Several yrs ago he felt God was calling him to be bi-vocational with that and he went into Social Work. He has been a Case manager for Child/Family services for several yrs...There are so many hurting people out there. God has defenitely placed him in places to share the gospel he might have never before. I am so proud of has not been easy doing two deployments. Right now he is in Gulfport,Mississippi(thank god not Iraq this time). I have had to draw on the Lord more than ever in my life. What you wrote meant SO much to will never know. I am adding you to my blog friends list ok? I appreciate your prayers more than you know sweetie. I hope you and your hubby have a wonderful,blessed anniversary on the 7th! ~Alison~

  3. Girl~I love already,LOL! Man, that is hard to swallow that when I met my hubby in highschool you were being born!!! am OLD! You are the cutest thing..What is even more cool is that indeed we are sisters in Christ. How awesome that your dad was in the AirForce. There is a large Air Force Base down in Gulfport,Biloxi near Chads Navy Base called Keesler AFB..I bet your dad has heard of it. I read about you all thinking of adoption. That is so cool! Let me tell you~you are right when you KNOW you just KNOW that someone is going to be your soulmate for life. I was 16 when Chad came walking through the door for bible study at my church...he went to another church so there was NO reason we would have ever met otherwise. When Isaw him I KNEW he would be my husband and father to my kids. I had prayed ALL summer that year for god to bring my husband to me and I prayed for specific things I wanted in a know what? God granted everything I asked for and then some! Isnt he a awesome God? I could go on and on...We had our oldest dd only 16 mos after being married. We were so blessed..I was 23 when I had Cassidy...We tried for another baby when Cass was 3. One year of tryingand nothing. I was then refered to a infertility specialist who found I had endometriosis,polyps,scar tissue in the fallopian tubes. I had surgery for that then went through a agonizing process of 4 cycles of IUIs(artificial insemination) Plus, I was on a ridiculous amount of Clomid for almost a year during this time(makes you produce multiple eggs).I should have had sextuplets!lol.. Through another almost 2 years of that I never got pregnant. I lost my will to even pray anymore I was so depressed and couldnt understand what God was showing me through all of this agony. The next step was to go non to Invetro Fertilization. That would have been $10,000. We both knew we had to stop. Two years after that day(the day the doc told us we would NEVER have kids on our own again!)I found out I was prego with our #2 dd-Catherine!!Cassidy had been praying every day and night for God to please let mommy have a baby sister for her. She prayed without ceasing at 5 years old..A good lesson to me for sure. So, Catherine is our miracle baby. Dont know why just thought I'd share it with you. God proved to me that HE,He,HE is in control of our life..NOT US! I kept saying ..why cant I get pregnant???and doing everything I could to FIX it when all he wanted me to do was give it to him and LET GO. I wish you all so many blessings as you start down the road of having a family. (((HUgs)))Alison

