
Monday, June 16, 2008

Sisters in Christ

This weekend we took the high school girls to Sugar Land Town Center for a girls night out. We all spent the night at the Marriot. It was a great night of fellowship and fun. My allergies started to act up, and by Sunday I was sick all day! I just couldn't function! Today I feel A LOT better!
Kristi wasn't able to spend the night with us, but she did come to dinner with us, and we were so happy she did! I love these ladies! I learn so much from them on being a Godly wife and mother. See some pictures of their kiddos below. I do not like my hair here, but never fear... this Wednesday it will look VERY different... be sure to check in on Wednesday! :)

Kristin's little girl, Julia, "Ju Ju." She has another daughter, Gloria, who is 4 years old. I don't have a picture of her! :(
Kristi is pregnant with her second child and is due mid December! Please pray for a safe pregnancy and delivery!!!


  1. I am getting my hair done Tuesday! Where do you go?? Can't wait to see pictures.

  2. Treasure the gems God has given you in these ladies. You are very blessed to have these relationships. I like your hair in this pic. I think you look beautiful. Love ya.

  3. Aww, that's a great pic of the three of y'all. I wish I could've been there, but I'm glad y'all had fun. And if you read this blog, congrats again Kristi!!!!!

  4. So sad, I wish I could have been there with you guys :(. I missed seeing you when I visted TX, but I'm glad that you were able to serve your sick hubby.
