
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweet Husband!

Happy 28th Birthday to the most amazing man in the universe! I am SO blessed to be married to you! I hope you liked your card this morning and there are some more surprises later today!
When we first met! We were already in love, but we hadn't seen each other in person yet! :) (we met online, and for the first month fell in love over the phone and in pictures).
2 years ago tomorrow! One of my favorite days ever!!! Great Job Honey! :)
This IS my favorite day ever! Here is My  Lobster with his True Love and his First Love! (yes, I am referring to the truck)! :)


Last night I wrote my first song! There is a tune to it, so reading it may seem strange to you without it. Well, it is based on three different Bible verses, (10pts each if you can figure out which). :) I wrote it because it was inspired by one of my favorite verses about not worring. Once it was done, I thought My Lobster would really appreciate it as his birthday present. I was going to wait to post it here to surprise him BUT My Lobster had another stressful day yesterday. With work and bulding a house, my poor husband can get a little stressed! He turns to me and says, "just tell me it will all be ok!" Oh, Praise You Lord! I told him that I had something better, and I asked him to read my song! It made him feel much better! I am so thankful for this song, and I hope it helps others too! (like I said it may be strange without the tune, but yeah...) enjoy!

Why Worry?
Look at the birds of the air
How they fly without care
They do not reap or sow
Because they know
There’s no need to worry!
Our God is reassuring!
Oh He has perfect plans,
And all time’s in His hands!
So there’s no need to worry!
If our God is so providing
For the birds in all their gliding,
Won’t he provide more for you?
Just believe this is true:
There’s no need to worry!
Our God is reassuring!
Oh He has perfect plans,
And all time’s in His hands!
So there’s no need to worry!
Oh there’s no need to worry!
Let this be reassuring:
God causes all things
To work together!
He’s always in control
In all kinds of weather!
Yes, He has perfect plans,
And all time’s in His hands!

So there's no need to worry!


  1. Happy birthday Paul!!! Hope it's great!
    And Tricia, I love the song. I know that one of those verses is Romans 8:28, right? I don't know the specific verse of the others...hmmm....

  2. I recognize the verses but do not recall where they are found. (That's my awesome husband's strength and gift; not mine unfortunately.) What a great gift to give Paul after a stressful day. What an encouraging reminder.

  3. Praise God for your poem & all the Truth of the Word it contains!
