
Friday, October 10, 2008

House Update...

Today we went to The Kingdom to show my Dad our h♥me! Here are better pictures than the other day... foundation any day now!!! :)Yep, this was all the stuff I needed PK to describe, and he is once again away... but honestly, do we care... I mean, other than Brooke? ;)
PK showing my dad something, (I wasn't paying attention). ;) He is standing in our kitchen!
Here we are standing in front of our back porch and the fire place will be behind me, (we are in the living room)!
Here we are standing in our kitchen! Fatty McFaterson will be gone soon... she has fell in love with running, and her fat is disappearing as we speak. If you pass her fat on the street, tell it to get lost cause she is no longer welcome at Fatty's house!

Honestly, I need an inexpensive way to celebrate sometime this summer the departure of Fatty ... any suggestions?


  1. Wow...that was fast. When you said they were getting started, they really are getting STARTED. Reminds me of the days of our house just being a slab of concrete and our walking through it talking about how this was such and such rooms...the anticipation was so fun.

  2. lets have a spa night!!! ill bring everything, and we'll do nails, facials, and exfoliate and watch movies all night! :) yayyyyyy

  3. So exciting! You guys will be moving in in no time. :)
