
Friday, October 17, 2008

House Update...

We drove to The Kingdom, and this is what we saw in the distance...Yep, that is our frame next to that two story... no roof yet...
When we were there they were still working, and I felt bad taking pics, so we left and returned later... unfortunately it was dark, but you know we will be back sooner than later for better pics... ;)
Our fireplace! :) Since there is no roof yet there are support beams everywhere, so please ignore those and use your imagination! :)
Our kitchen! It is really awesome, but it is hard to tell when it is just a frame, and the support beams do not help with the visual either.
Our kiddos future rooms...
From the living room, this will be a wall, we can see inside now of course, to our bedroom! :)
Paul standing on our back porch! :)
Paul posing on one of the frames to one of our kiddo's room behind him!
Paul and me in our living room with one of our kiddo's room in the background! :) That darn flash always makes me look extra pale! :/
Paul standing in our doorway! Our door is always open to you, (once we have a door of course). ♥