
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quick update..

My internet has been acting up, so that is why I have been absent from the blog world these last few days. Right now, blogger is not allowing me to upload pics, so I will save today's post for later in the weekend. It may come Sunday afternoon, cause The Keierleber's have quite a busy weekend ahead. Tomorrow is the high school overnighter, and we will leave directly from there on Saturday to go visit the Boudreaux's and Brother's! (I am so excited). So, sorry for the quick update... I actually have a few bits of exciting news to share, but you will just have to be patient! :)


  1. AHHHHHH....that's why we haven't heard from you. See you tomorrow night, I'm going.

  2. megan says that she wants to be able to look at ur blog.
    her email is;
