Last night we hung out with our friends and I was too lazy to get my camera for these next two pics, (you'll see why), so I used my phone, but they are blog worthy...

We made ginger bread men, and I decorated my dog to look like Jersey of course! If you think my icing looks weird or it looks bad cause it is not smooth... it was on purpose... I made his hair have a little curl like the real Jersey... that's what I get for being lazy and using my camera phone... lost clarity...

Speaking of losing clarity... this was really unnecessary to take the time to get my camera, so we will just have to deal...My Lobster watching tv and our friend's 5 year old deiced to make him a fairy! He didn't even notice!
Our house is DONE! Everything is in our house that needs to be. Why can't we move in sooner? Well, we are gonna fight it! In a God honoring way of course! ;)

Our island... LOVE IT!!!!

Panoramic view of our kitchen with applainces... colors look a little weird...

Window in our kitchen... will be a window seat... :)

Panoramic view of our bathroom... I'm on the left...

A panoramic shot of our living room from the entry way...

A shot of the entry way and living room from the front door step, (duh!) ;)

I love our front door!!!
Yay!!! The house looks awesome! I love the door, too.