
Friday, January 16, 2009

H♥me Sweet H♥me!

I was outside and was taking shots of Jersey for fun, and got this one on accident... I LOVE IT!!!

Twin update: the foster mom has decided to adopt them. Kinda a bummer, but I know it is God's Will, and it would have been hard on them and her when they had to leave, so it is a good thing! I am SOOOOO excited to see what little one(s) God has created for us! :)

We are all moved in trying to get all unpacked. Bad news blogger world... we will not have internet till the end of FEBRUARY!!! I don't know what I will do... I will have to go to my parents to bum internet off them to make some posts, (thanks in advance Mom)! ;) Let's see, our house... I LOVE our bathtub, A.MAZING!, our new washer/dryer are amazing too... amazingly quiet!, and Jersey loves his new backyard. He got out under the fence today, so we will be fixing that ASAP!!!

Please come by anytime!! We would love to see you! :)

Here are a few pics from the last 2 days...

I had a migraine today, so I took a break from moving and watched Cinderella. Jersey joined me... I think he likes it... shh don't tell his daddy! ;)
Jersey likes his backyard, but he would rather be with me than outside... silly boy!
Daphne, our Great Dane next door neighbor was outside today so here is Jersey "meeting" her. :)
Jersey enjoying his backpirch... honestly, have you ever seen a cuter dog? NO WAY! ;)

Some of the stuff I put in our kitchen... turned out pretty cute... you'll have to come by and see it! :)
Do you remember this post when I said that Jersey one a picture contest, well here is PART of his prize... yep, our guest bathroom/future children's bathroom looks like a Petco! Jersey is set for at least the next 3 years! :) His hair care regimen is better than mine! lol
Part of my shoe "display" in my closet, and yes, these are ALL Crocs... 15 pairs to be exact. What can I say, I ♥ Crocs! I got Paul 2 pairs for Christmas nad he sold too! :) I think Crocs should pay me for advertising cause if you see me, most likely I will be wearing Crocs! :) AND I never hesitiate to tell people how awesome they are! :)
When I saw theses Crocs I jsut HAD to have them, so my mom got them for me for Christmas...

THEN, I was shopping and I saw these and I HAD to buy them... these for warm months, and others for the cold! I ♥ them!!! :)


  1. I am SO excited for you! I love the kitchen decor! I can't wait to see the rest of the house! :)

    Where exactly did you move to?? How close are you to Barker Cypress and 290 / I-10?? We will have to get together sometime.

  2. Praise God for this WONDERFUL blessing! Your kitchen is BEAUTIFUL!

  3. Yay!!!! Hope the unpacking continues to go well.

  4. Good job on the kitchen! :) Jersey should be the cleanest dog on the face of the earth. Can't wait to see the rest of your house and you guys! love ya!

  5. Congratulations on your new home! Your kitchen is beautiful - great job on the decor!

  6. It looks wonderful :)!!! And Jersey is so cute! I want a puppy!!!
