
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm still here...

Well yesterday was our first walk trough on our house and we close in 6 days, Jan 13th! We have been very busy packing, so I have not had time to blog. Blogger is not letting me upload pics, so I am sorry you still have not seen my blonde hair. It is not as blonde as it used to be, but next time I will make it blonder.

In other news, I really need prayer. Please pray for God's will to be done over a certain subject which I must leave out at the moment. Sorry but I have to. Some of you know what it is, and some of you may have suspicions... just pray for God's will to be done, and for us to know soon. I am okay with a "soon, it will take a little bit" or even a "no" from God, but it is the not knowing any answer that is killing us!

Wow, 2009 already! Man time really does fly!

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