Monday, February 23, 2009

It's all coming back to me...

Over the last month+ without internet, I have had MANY things to blog about! Here is one, and tomorrow check in for a blog about Winter Camp!

I love Disney, and I love Disney Princesses. This shouldn't be a shocker to you. My favorite Disney movies are Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella are tied for 2nd, and The Little Mermaid. When we were unpacking, I would pop in a Disney tape, and watch a little, turn it off to work, then watch a little more, etc. It was nice because usually if I put on a movie I do not get anything accomplished, but since I have those movies memorized, I could watch 15 min without getting hooked. (Ya know, like when eating lunch or something. We don't have TV, so I can't just flip on something real quick).

ANYWAY, Aladdin has never been one of my favorites, but I like it so I sat down to watch it after years of not seeing it. I loved all the songs, and I was getting into it when I heard, "for allah's sake!" You know like, "for God's sake," only they were trying to be cultural relevant. OK, I can overlook that. Then I heard it, "Praise allah!" UMM, OK, NO! I don't care how cute the movie is, it praises a false god. Even if they were trying to be culturally relevant to the setting, I don't care. I, nor my children, should hear mention of praise to false gods. The only one who deserves our praise is JESUS CHRIST! So, needless to say, we have thrown away Aladdin. I was a little bummed because who doesn't love the song, "A Whole New World?"

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