
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect, Right? ;)

Ok, I have been ready to be a mom since, well, forever! I just love kids, and while I am waiting for my kids, I spend a lot of my free time with them. When I was growing up I babysat all the time, I still baby sit, my degree is in child development, and I used to work at an elementary school. So, yeah, I have spent a lot of time with kids. If I am with you, I will probably ask advice on a parenting subject, cause I am always taking notes in that area! :) Ju Ju had a stomach bug, so yesterday, her sister Gloria, (Glo Glo), got to come to my house for a special day! We ahd a blast! However, today Ju Ju is still sick, Glo is now sick too as well as their daddy, Bryan. Please pray for the Glass family to get better, and especially pray for Kristin, (mommy), to not get sick, and to have the strength and patience to be able to take care of all of them. I can only imagine how hard it must be right now... :(

UMMM, yeah... cutest thing in the world, right? This picture is soooo cute!! Glo looks so beautiful, and little Jerz cracks me up! (We were hanging out in the drive way in the back of the car.. she wanted to ride her bike and I was gonna sit there and watch, but she thought sitting in the back looked more fun! lol)
Our first attempt at a pic of them. We both thought his tongue out was pretty cute! The first picture puts this one to shame though! BIG TIME! :)

Did I ever mention that I have about 200 or so Beanie Babies for sale? Well, I do. Every time Paul sees this pile he says how he wants to just jump in it, so since Glo is little I said she could...

No Beanie Babies were harmed while taking this picture! ;)

Gloria wanted to take a pic of me and Jerz... not the best I have ever looked, but it is not everyday that we get a pic together, so it will have to do... he sure looks cute though! :)

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