Paul and I shared the Gospel with our neighbor. You see when we shared the Gospel, the Holy Spirit spoke through both of us, simultaneously! It was like tennis or something. Paul would say something, which would lead me to say something, then Paul would compliment what I had just said. Back and forth like that. Our neighbor seemed very receptive, and I have a lot of hope for his future salvation! :)
After that great experience, I realized something. I have always, and will always, love my husband. PERIOD. BUT, last night I like fell in love all over again! I married him first and foremost for his love of God. Jesus said in Mark 10:8 "AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh." I definitely experienced that last night. It was such a blessing to have the Holy Spirit work between us like that. We were one, (because we are one). I found a new love for Paul last night, and I am so grateful!

YES! Praise the Lord for allowing you two to be used in such a wonderful way!