
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Adoption Update

I had a talk with God Tuesday night, and He shed light on our adoption situation. He thinks it is best for us to put it on hold for awhile…

What! God, are you sure? But if we wait, then our kids will be stuck in an orphanage. The sooner we adopt them the better!”

“Child, do you not think I have a plan for them? Do you not think that I know what I am doing? Do you not think I will provide for them? Is My timing not perfect?”

“Ok God, You are right. We will wait.”

Yes, it was with a heavy heart that I conceded to God. I have been hearing “wait” for awhile, but I obviously do not want to. Obedience is not always easy. Sometimes saying, “Yes Lord,” is quick and easy, other times you wrestle with God. He is always patient with you though. Trust me, I know. I test His patience a little too often. Here are some of the reasons that God revealed to me that show me that we need to put the adoption on hold:

1. The economy: Paul works for an oil company and during times like this no one is safe. There have been lay offs for awhile now, and Paul is still employed. No agency would give us a child though if Paul is unemployed…

So originally I told God that I would wait until we knew the job situation better and then go on with the process… God had even more reasons to wait, (more in quantity and more in importance)…

2. “The Motions”: (this is the most important reason I need to wait) I do feel myself just going through the motions at times. I know I will always struggle with that this side of Heaven and it will never be perfect, but I also know where I need to be. I need to have a more consistent Quiet Time with God daily before kiddos come. I JUST RECENTLY have really gotten into reading my Bible everyday, but Quiet Time is more than just reading The Word. It is a time of prayer and worship. I need help in this area. So, this fall I want to take a class a CBS, (I will if Guy Jackson is the prof) on prayer. He said we will spend whole class periods just in prayer. He said we will learn how to pray for a whole hour. I definitely need this class. My prayer life is usually shallow and a request fest. I need to learn how to make pray worshipful, and that is why I want to take this class.

3. I CAN’T WAIT to have kids, but I can’t say that I don’t also treasure our one on one time as husband and wife.

4. My book will be done in August, so the fall will be full of book signings and other things that my publisher has me do. I also have at least 3 books I am working on, as well as a 15 book series that I am in the middle of. I need to focus on all of this- kid free.

5. Paul and I have been attending Financial Peace University from Dave Ramsey. It is AWESOME! Waiting for the adoption will give us time to be 100% out of debt, except for the house. We have no debt now except for my car and the house, (we got rid of credit cards). :)

6. Since we moved in the house, I have really become a better housewife, but I still need to get better before kids come. This time I have had has allowed me to get out all the kinks before kids, and I have a few more kinks.

7. I wanted to take that art class as I mentioned in the Growing Pains series. If we had a child, I probably couldn’t so I need to take this time to do this while we are waiting.

Why am I sharing this is detail with you? Well, everyone is going to want to know why we are waiting, and is just easier to put it on here so everyone will know. Also, it makes me realize that we really are waiting, like it is official on here. Now if God sends us a baby tomorrow, we will be thrilled- we are just waiting to start the process until He gives us a green light, (January at the earliest probably).

Thank you for joining us in this journey!

Ever since I saw Fireproof, I claimed this song as my own, but it hasn’t really meant as much to me as it does now:

1 comment:

  1. Tricia- your entry touched me in many ways. Whatever is in store for you and Paul- whether it be in the near future or in later years- I am sure you will make a great mother. Enjoy this time of your life!
