
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Growing Pains, The E True Hollywood Story

So for those of you who do not know, "E True Hollywood Story," was a show that did the story behind the story. So, in sticking with that protocol:

First let me say that all I have shared is to be an encouragement to you. For example, just because we feel called to not have kids, that does not mean that we feel you shouldn't either. This is just where God is leading us. God calls some to be pastors, some to be single for life, some to be missionaries, etc. BUT, if you have felt God tugging on you to give/take up something like I have shared, then you need to be obedient! :) That is all I was saying. That and showing how God works in our lives is one way we can glorify Him. :)

Secondly, the reason I am able to be obedient is because I know Him.

I know that you who are reading this may not know Christ like this. You may find it weird that I love God so much, that I would live my life only to serve Him, and I put Him before my husband, and before myself! Well, it is the most amazing thing in the world to know Christ, and I only know true love and happiness because He loves me. You too can know Christ if you accept Him into your heart! Afterwards, repent of your sin and follow Him all the days of your life.

Seriously, it is that easy. However if you choose not to accept Christ, you are in BIG TROUBLE. If you accept Christ you will go to Heaven, if you don't you will go to HELL! PERIOD! It doesn't matter how "good of a person you are."
If you do not know Christ, then God will not know you!

If I have struck a nerve, or if you want to know more, feel free to ask! I want you to! I want everyone to go to Heaven. I do not want any of you to go to Hell!

Thank you all for reading this series and my blog. I appreciate everyone of you. I hope you know that I do not talk about Hell because I feel I am better than you. I am not! I deserve Hell as much, if not more, than you do! The only difference is, is that Jesus paid my debt, and now I can go to Heaven.

I love you all, and even if you believe differently than me, I will not judge you- ever! I only share all this because I love you! :)

1 comment:

  1. Our Lord is a God of grace & truth (John 1:14). Sometimes the truth may come across harsh and hard for some to swallow. So, many times, our lives speak louder than our words. Tricia, God is using your life to speak of God's grace and truth more than you even know! Keep living the gospel!!!
