
Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I made myself bleed because I have been enduring this baby itch for so long, and so deeply.

Obedience is not easy. Well, this is the hardest time I have had with it...
- Sell your ring- yes Lord!
- Only adopt- yes Lord!
- Get rid of all your secular movies, music and books- yes Lord!
- Everything else- yes Lord!
- Wait on the adoption- yes Lord! But why Lord? Please Lord! This hurts Lord!

So yes, I am obedient and I will wait, but it is painful. As I tried to show above- this is the most painful move of obedience I have had to make. We are both ready to be parents, but God wants us to wait. I know His ways are WAY better than my own, but it doesn't change the fact that I WANT A BABY NOW!

I know why this is so hard- SATAN is using this against me! Pray for my time of obedience to be patient and pray for strength for me to ignore satan. I want to "be joyful always," but it is sometimes hard. (Especially when I am um, hormonal- hint, hint).
I am thankful that God gave me Jersey. Sometimes I wish I didn't love his so much, but at times like this it sure is nice to have a "baby" to love on! ;)

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