
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Seeing Double?

Can you tell which one is Jersey? Paul got it WRONG!!! SHHH, don't tell Jersey, it may make him a little sad... ;) (The Jerz is on the left) :)

In honor of our 2nd anniversary, God decided to play a trick on Paul! hehehe I was sitting on the computer with Jersey in my lap when I got a phone call from our neighbor.

"Is your dog with you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"There is a white, fluffy dog outside that looks JUST like him!"

So being a sympathetic dog owner, I went out to see if I could help the puppy. I found her and she only had a rabies vac tag as id... and it was from far away. I called Paul and told him that we MAY have a new dog. He was less than thrilled. I am in no rush to get another dog, but if one ends up on our door step, I will NOT allow it to go to the pound- it WILL become a member of the family. Long story short, she is a neighbor of ours... they have the same issue with her getting under the fence, (must be a Bichon thing). lol

Jersey and his new girlfriend, Molly. Which is which? (Paul got it wrong also)! lol Molly is looking at the camera.... ;)
Jersey and Molly playing... Molly in mid air!

Jersey was invited over to play anytime he wanted, so we will have to set up a play date for them- I'm thinking Bark Park!


  1. Those are adorable puppy pics! I couldn't tell the difference between them at all!

    So I read on one of your earlier posts that you met your hubby online - how exactly did y'all meet? And sorry if you've told the story a million times already, I'm still catching up :)

  2. So cute! I'm happy Jersey has a new playmate!
