
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Votes Please

What do you think? I want to chop off my hair to look something like this. Should I?


  1. I think you would look so chic w/that look! I say YES! for my vote.

    Aunt Kay Kay

  2. I LOVE IT! I have had this hair style. I found it is SO easy to maintain! You don't need to use the round brush like they do at the salon, all you need is a straightener. UGH! This would look so good on you! If you do it, take pictures! Can't wait to see!

  3. It is a super cute hairstyle, and I think it would look awesome on you!

    I had this haircut a couple years ago though, and unlike Brittany I had a really hard time maintaining it - I think it's because my hair has a lot of natural wave to it so I could never get the ends to point the right direction.

    Good luck making the decision!

  4. Every time I cut my hair short, I always regret it! Not saying you will, but that is just my opinion. Cute hair cut though.

  5. I vote yes! Post a picture when you've done it.
