
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Really Matters

So I am apparently a "domestic terrorist." Go to to learn more. I am so irritated by our stupid government, it is unreal.

BUT I am not posting about this ridiculous issue. It would be bad for my blood pressure. Instead I am going to post about what REALLY matters in life...

This video is a song by Matthew West called "The Motions." Listen to it, then follow along with my post below. Yes, I am serious- watch it NOW...

Ok, did you watch it? I hope you did! :)

I was listening to KSBJ this morning and Matthew was visiting. He sang this song, but before he did he dedicated it to the McAfee Family.

He went on to say that 18 year old Ryan McAfee was very moved by the song. So much in fact that he posted the lyrics on his facebook so his friends could hold him accountable- making sure he wouldn't just go through the motions. Well the next day, Ryan was killed in a freak car accident. The Motions was played at his funeral, and then a miracle happened...


This song and story are such blessings to me. Every time I hear it, it puts my thoughts and heart in check. I will be irritated at the government, and then I will hear it. I love America, but the fact that She is dying shouldn't affect me so much. Will I still fight- yes, but I also know what is more important. LIVING FOR CHRIST. One day America will be gone. One day this world will be gone. Jesus will be the only one remaining. My job here on Earth, (as well as the job of all the other Christ Followers), is to glorify God in all we do, and to bring people to Christ!

I want to live my life so that people will come to know Christ whether in my life or death. That is my new goal in life- to have people come to Christ simply by being at my funeral and seeing Christ in me!

This is my prayer for myself everyday, and I hope it puts life in perspective for you too:

I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,
"What if I had given everything,
instead of going through the motions?"

1 comment:

  1. this is crazy. thanks for speaking directly to me today. i just got finished posting a comment on another friends blog about how i feel like i am going through the motions right now in my life & i hate it. i hate being this busy and i hate feeling like my spiritual life is suffering.

    i really do need to make a change.
