
Thursday, May 28, 2009

What's Up

I just love this picture of The Jerz from the weeks that I was babysitting the Cokenour girls! I love the colors, and of course I love his precious face! :)

Jersey has not been feeling well lately, so tomorrow he has a vet appointment. It might be something small he is fighting off, or something bigger like a thyroid issue. Please pray that it is nothing! :)

Jersey's health is about the only exciting thing going on at our house as of late, well except for these two details:

1. I got my first edits for my book and sent in my response yesterday! It should be done near August! Wahoo!

2. I have begun training for the half marathon this January. Sign up is not until July, so I have been leary about making a huge announcement, (what if for some crazy reason I can't sign up then I would look stupid)! lol But, I am pretty sure I will have no trouble, so I am letting you all know about it now! I am pretty excited! I will have my hubs by my side, as well as some great friends and their hubbies too! Over 13 miles does still seem a little crazy, but I know I can do it! :) (think positive, think positive) lol

Please do pray for Jersey! Thanks! ♥

1 comment:

  1. just wanted to say good job with the aspirations for the 1/2 marathon! which one you are signing up for? i would love to do one.. i feel like if i sign up it will make me more motivated... fill me in on the details!
