
Friday, June 26, 2009

Bored Gourd

10 points to the person who understands my title! ;)


I am bored right now, waiting for the hubs to get home!!! T minus 2 hours!!!

Last night I saw Annie, and my friend Esther did the best Miss. Hannigan I have seen since Carol Burnett! Seriously, E, I am not just saying that cause you are my friend! I was VERY impressed with your perfomance! :) People tend to over act Hannigan- you weren't acting at all- you were her!!!

So, guess what we get to pick up in a couple of hours...

OUR DINING ROOM TABLE!!!!! Check back later to see pictures!!!!!

Ok, so how is that for a random post? ;) To finish, I will add a random (new) picture! :) My friend Krisitina just moved to Italy and will be getting married there in Dec, and will be having another wedding here next June. Here were are a David's Bridal- she tried on THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DRESS! With so many people I know getting married- I have had yet to see its equal!!!


  1. You're bored out of your mind??? (Title)

    I love your hair! B-E-A-U-tiful. :)

  2. Aw, thanks, Tricia. I'm glad you could come. ;)
