
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

el bano

FINALLY I have completed our bathroom! I LOVE IT!!! I would go into detail about the theme, but I think it is pretty obvious! :)
The full view around my bathtub...
The Keierlebers in Bluebonnets... (the pic of Jersey alone was from a year ago, the other was taken a few months ago).My sister and me, Jersey and a field taken during our 2 year anniversary. (I know there is a pic of all 4 of us kids, so I need it to replace the pic of the 2 of us) :)

A pic I took on our 2 year anniversary. I am a firm believer in decorating with photography. Why pay for a piece of art, when you can do it yourself? :)
The completed "throne room." I didn't like calling it the toilet room, so throne room will have to do! lol
Another pic of us by Steven Leonard, and a pic I got from our 2nd anniversary. Isn't decorating with photography awesome?


  1. I LOVE IT! Now you just need to make a WC sign for the door. WC= wash closet. thats what they called them in HUNGARY! Much nicer than saying toilet.
