
Monday, August 17, 2009

Big Sister Room Phase 1

I am so bummed that my camera is acting up. I killed myself last night setting this all up, and my camera decided to not work. Then today it finally charged, and now the pictures it takes are not 100% clear. Buying a new camera is not on our list right now, and I pray that we do not have to add it. :/

I am sitting in Big Sister's room as I type, and I am taking it all in and dreaming of what could be. Jersey and I are sitting on her uncovered mattress, (did I mention he has to be with me all the time)? lol

Even if we do not get our girls, and lets say we get boys, I can pack up all this birdie stuff and put it away for a future girl. That is why I am not painting her room, or buying bedding. Hence, the name of this post- Phase 1. :)
See what I meant about my camera? Ok, here is her uncovered bed :) with the pillows I painted, a new lamp I painted and the painting above...
When I first made the above the bed painting, it was eh. So I redid it on canvas. I like it much better! :)
The lamp- it is a touch lamp. All she will have to do it lightly tap on the base and the light comes on. AND it has 3 different settings which is so nice at night when you want a little light, and you do not want to light up the whole house. :)
Her self and book shelf (sans baskets)...
This was a natural wood shelf which I painted white, painted the inside pink, then of course added the birds and flowers. On the shelf are birds and flowers, (duh), and I will continue to buy these for her. I was raised with collecting, so this will be fun. :) Oh, and since the inside is pink, it makes the wall behind it look pink too. lol (wall will be brown later)
I also painted the sides of the shelf. :)
The sides of the cube book shelf. I have pink baskets that go in the shelf, (which were not pictured above). They are a different pink, so they may clash. Come over and give me your opinion so I can buy new ones if need be. :)
These birds, oh these birds. If you remember from this post, I REALLY wanted to buy birdie stuff from Hobby Lobby, but had to practice restraint- these were the culprits. I saw these birds months ago and really liked/wanted them. They would not fit in anywhere in our house, so it was just one of those items that you like but would never buy. Then the other day when I was browsing for ideas for this room, I came across them again. I HAD TO HAVE them now! YEA! I had a reason to buy them! They were originally $25 a piece, but that day they were 50% off- so 2 for the price of one! :) We LOVE Dave Ramsey, so I knew I couldn't get them then- even if they were 90% off. BUT since I was an obedient wife, I was able to buy them later in the week! :) Delayed gratification is hard, but it is still gratifying in the end! ;)
I LOVE THEM! Close up of course- they are 2 feet tall +/- and over 1 foot wide. (this wall behind them will be pink, think of how nicely they will pop then). :) I am going to paint two walls pink, (this one and the one behind the bed), and the other two walls brown, (the closet wall and the one behind the shelves- which will really make those pop too) :)
Some decorating ideas to share- a friend and I were shopping together to get all this stuff. We found REALLY cute stickers that were must buys, and she suggested framing them. So here is one (I also have a pink birdie circle framed)... (ignore the flash reflection)
And here is another... this one is really cool because it looks like it is hand sewn- it looks like an antique or something. I also have a bird one like this one too.
Sorry this is so dark, but look at Jersey. This was where I found him when I was painting. :) So cute!

Don't forget to check out my new post on my other blog! :) Please continue praying for our little girls. ♥ Thanks!

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