
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Little Birdie Told Me...

I hope you are continuing to pray for our adoption process. Our application will not be officially submitted until Monday. :/ I ask for you to pray for 2 special girls, that we are hoping to adopt. I will not divulge anymore information on the subject just yet, but please be in prayer that:
1. God's will for the girls' future in our lives to be apparent
2. If it is not in His will for us to be their forever family, that they will be placed in an amazing and loving home!

In the chance that we get them, I have been planning their rooms. Come on now, what would you do? :)

For the littlest, she will have the cow nursery as seen in a precious post, (which will be MUCH different than what is seen in the pictures). :)

I have been trying to decide what to do for her older sister. Today, I figured it out! I LOVE that birds are back in style. Some of them are super cute! I was at Hobby Lobby today, and found some bird wall decor that I will TOTALLY buy if we get them. I wanted to buy it today, but I didn't want to jinx anything. ;) AND since I LOVE pink, that will be a staple color in her room! :)

Even though I worried buying those birds would jinx us, I do not believe what I did today will...

I found this print on Etsy today, and I LOVED it! I bookmarked it and saved it for a future purchase. Then, inspiration hit! I was in my craft room and I found the left over art board from my cornice box, and decided to try to recreate the print myself. I don't think it will jinx me because it was absolutely free, and even if I get blessed with a boy, I can use this elsewhere! So without further adieu...

Now keep in mind I am severely artistically challenged, but I think it turned out pretty good! What do you think?
My FAVORITE passage in the Bible is Matthew 6:25-34. I have it in my house at least 4 times, in different ways of course. :) Here is number 5! :) Her room will be Birdies and Flowers, so the theme of her room is Matthew 6:25-34! She will have a worry free room! ;)

Please be in prayer for our process and the potential of these two girls! You have no idea how much your prayers are appreciated! ♥


  1. Hi Tricia,

    I'm lifting up prayers for you and Paul. May everything work out for His glory and in His timing!!

    Keep us posted!


  2. How exciting :)!...We will be praying!!!

  3. Will be praying for the adoption! If you get a boy, you can always paint a little stick figure with a BB gun... a little hunter. You know how I feel about birds. :) But kids I like (most days). I pray you get them before we go to Hungary so I can give you my many pearls of wisdom.

  4. Yeah adoption!

    Yeah for sibling groups!


    I love your art work, great job. (and I love Jesus too!)

    God bless your journey, adoption ROCKS!

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted
