
Monday, August 3, 2009

Sibling Rivalry

Jersey hates Charlotte. He will get over it, eventually. Poor baby! (See his pic below for more details). :)

Why the name Charlotte? Jersey is named after New Jersey or Jersey City, (I didn't name him, but I liked it so I kept it), and so I gave Paul the honors of naming Charlotte. I suggested we name her a state/city to go with Jersey, so he came up with Charlotte. I like it! :)

Here are some more pictures of Charlotte. :)

When we decided to get her, this was the picture we sent Paul from my mom's phone. Can you see why he had to say, "yes"?
Gangster Charlotte. No, I did not prop her like this- she is a rag doll and rolled into this position. You have to admit- it makes you smile! :)
Besides the fact that Jersey had to get shaved which already made him look pathetic, he has looked like this since Saturday. There was some progress today- he isn't mad at me anymore, but he still hates Charlotte. lol
Cheese Charlotte!
How awesome is this shot? I had to beg Paul to let me get her, and so I was a little concerned at first. Well, Paul has SLEPT with her for the past two nights. You think Jersey is spoiled- she is gonna be a nightmare if he keeps this up! lol Since Jersey is a Momma's Boy, I told Paul Charlotte could be a Daddy's Girl- I think he is set on making that happen! lol

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, charlotte is SO SWEET! i love that name... great choice!!

    hey, you should play along with my new shopping feature on my family blog. it's all about what's already in your closet!! xoxo
