
Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm still here...

I have been so busy. SO BUSY. We started painting our whole house, and we are still not done. We are almost done, but my mom wanted help redecorating her dining room... our house got put on hold. Hopefully our house will be done by Monday at the latest.

Today is my BABY sister, Taylor's, 17th birthday. I can't believe it!!!

One of my favorites of us! Playing at McDonalds- 1993/94 ish.
Us June of this year, (this angle makes me look preg- ignore this) lol
My mom and I decorated her car today...
Inside joke with the fam... :)
Yat Yat... Tay Tay backwards... :)

Taylor, I hope you have an awesome birthday! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Now on to my mom's dining room. :) It was a reddish coral color before and housed junk. She wanted it to be a "kids" themed room. I think it turned out great, if I do say so myself. ;)

I couldn't get good lighting at all... she has 2 tables in here because last night she hosted Bunko. Obviously they both aren't usually here. Just trying to give you a feel for the whole room. :)
Ugh, so dark.... you get the idea...
When my sister Tracie was in high school she was on the dance team, known as the Angels. This was one of her costumes. It was her favorite, and she kept it even though she wasn't supposed to! lol After she died her dance teacher found out and let us keep it. :) I framed it for my mom, (per her request), and I think it looks great! :)
Mrs. Heathcock, (the dance teacher), looked very hard to find this picture of Tracie in her costume and gave it to my mom. How sweet!
All 4 of us, K-12 grade... Taylor has 2 years to go!!! (Can't believe that either)!
Close up to give you an idea... :)
Tracie and my tshirt quilts, and some other items...
This picture is a holorgam... here is one view....
here is the other... cool, huh? :) (very hard to photograph, and couldn't use flash, but you get the idea) :)
Tracie's dance shoes... cool, huh? :)

Nick's football poster... left other space so when we get more memorablia for Taylor, then she will have space for her stuff. :)

What do you think about the living room? I know it is hard to see since it is dark. :/ What do you think about the color? :)

Hopefully soon I will have the pics up of my house... sorry for the wait! :)

Oh, did you hear Katherine Heigl is adopting? YEA!!! I'll post our adoption update eventually too... :)

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