
Monday, September 14, 2009

Ketchup and Preview

Ok... it's ketchup time- but read all the way through... paint preview later...

Oh, and be sure to check out these sites... here and here!!! :)

The Saturday of Labor Day we went to Space Center Houston with our besties and neighbors. :) Just FYI- it costs $19 for a ticket, but you can spend $23 and get a membership... free entry for a year and free parking too! UMM... WOW!!! Y'all have to do it too!!! We can't wait to bring the kiddos! ;)
Love this pic of my hubs... me, eh, but oh well! :)


9/11 of 2008 I blogged about getting to meet the heroes of engine 7 ladder 1. Click here to see this year's 9/11 post where I linked to the 08 post. :)
A sweatshirt they autographed for me. :) This and the pictures are in a shadow box so forgive the quality of the pictures.
Here I am with some of the heroes of Engine 7/Ladder 1... some of the guys from Engine 10 were there too, so they might be them too... Like I said this is in a shadow box, but even so- it was before digital age, and it isn't of very good quality anyway. :/
Here I am looking at the messages that were placed around the church near Ground Zero... NY lovers- which church is this again? Thanks. :)


What is Jersey so excited to see???
BIRDS. Ok, this pic does no justice- there were at least 30 birds in our yard!!!
He was sooo excited!!!
His throat was quivering with excitement...
Jersey chilling on an out of place piece of furniture since we are painting...

Oh, I guess you want to see the progress there huh? ;) Well, I will post the full pictures tomorrow, so today you will have to settle for a preview...
Our new fireplace...
I saw these pumpkins at the Christian store last year, and I HAD TO HAVE THEM!!! Well, I actually had to wait to get them, but either way- I have them! :) I LOVE them!!! They are my only fall decor. I love them because they can stay out from Sept to Nov. They are not too Thanksgivingish, nor are they too Halloweenie, (we don't celebrate Halloween). AND the scriptures- PERFECT!!!

1 Thessalonians 5
Last but not least, a preview of our living room. No it is not a steer skull mural on my wall- it is incomplete paint. ;) Our friend Corey pointed out that it resembled a steer skull so I thought it would be a perfect preview of what it will look like. :)

Ok, I am off to paint so tomorrow you can see my whole house COMPLETED!!! :)


  1. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Confession... I have been reading your blog for ages and just never commented. Time to change that!

    Love your fall decor! I have a new pumpkin on my table right now that has beautiful scripture on it. My mom bought it for me at Brookwood. You'll have to check in a few days for a picture... I think you'll love it!
