
Friday, September 18, 2009

Lookie Lookie at what I got in the mail...

YEAYEAYEA!!! I received my final proof of my book! I just have to ok it and send it back and I will hear from Marketing! YEA!!! :)

Forgive the glare from the flash... Here is a sneak peak at my BOOK!!!

our FAV page! :) Do you see Jersey joining in the prayer? :)

I throwing a mini party right now! Ok, its just Jersey and me, but still- we are very excited! Wahoo!


  1. Looks great! Can't wait to buy an autographed copy. :) Congrats!

  2. tricia this is wonderful! congratulations! i am so happy for you!

  3. wow, congrats! I am praying for the impact your book will have!

  4. Congratulations Tricia!! That is such an amazing accomplishment and I know you must be so excited. Your book will be such a blessing to many families.
