
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Please Don't Hate Me Forever

Update: I put off the paint reveal till today on purpose because this is my 300TH post!! Ok, so it wasn't on purpose, but if I could have picked- this would be a pretty exciting 300TH post, huh? :)

If you are anything like me, then you have been checking this blog incessantly to see pictures of my painted house. Sorry it has taken me so long!!!

Before I show the pics.... I read my book on Sunday to our 2nd and 3rd graders at Church, (most of my target age group), and it was a hit! Yea!!! :)

So, I picked a yucky time to take these pics... probably will retake at night... :)

Standing in the doorway...
Hard to tell, but this is one of the two walls that is burnt orange...
Living room... sun too bright!!
We will be getting black couch covers in here... will look 100 times better... can't wait! :)

Dining room with a slightly different gold than the living room...

New kitchen- every one's favorite apparently... ;)

The wall by the plant, with the cross on it,... is the other burnt orange wall

So in all we have... Aztec gold, (dining room), French mustard, (living room), 2 accent burnt oranges, and 2 purple accent walls. You will have to see it in person to really see all the different colors!

Introducing, the play room....

Ok, all I have done is this decor... will clean out and take another pic later! I ♥ it!

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