
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Home for the Holidays

Paul is sick so we will be at home, quarantined, for the holidays. I am not really complaining though- alone time with my hubby-AWESOME- even if he is sick.

Not only will I get alone time with my wonderful husband, but I will also get time to decorate for Christmas and do other crafts for the house. Yeah, I am really suffering over here! lol ;)

A couple of posts ago, I debuted this piece...
I wanted the names of Jesus displayed in my house, and this was good enough. For then. Obvioulsy, it wasn't good enough, but I couldn't think of a better way to do it until...
...I was on Etsy and found this great artist, Pitter Patter. She makes shirts with cutouts of Africa in really cute fabric. She also does other cutouts too... cute wiener dogs, monkeys, you name it. I am SO getting one of her Africa shirts. You see, she is a Christian and fellow adopter(?) lol- so I have no problem sending my money to her! :) Well, above she made that really cute display of Jesus's names, but it was a little pricey. Not that it is not worth the money, it is just not on my needs list, ya know? So, I copied her idea, but please don't get mad, cause you are SO getting my business in other areas- like a lot! :)
Ok, so it is not officially done. I have other things to do today, but later I will glue them down. I just wanted to be able to show y'all it now. :) While I LOVE hers, and her hand writing is better than mine, the color scheme on this one will better fit in our house. And since I used the canvas that I made the other name display on, and I had these papers already, this project was pretty much free! ;)

I wish we could go to Africa TODAY, but alas, we have to wait. We should begin the process in the spring, so please pray for that. I cannot wait to be called Enat, (mother in Ahmaric- the language of Ethiopia). ♥

In other baby news my friends are having a baby! You have to watch THIS VIDEO to see them break the news- to die for. So jealous that I didn't think of that! lol So happy for y'all! God will bless y'all for being God-honoring parents!!!

1 comment:

  1. Paul is sick so we will be at home, quarantined, for the holidays. I am not really complaining though- alone time with my hubby-AWESOME- even if he is sick. kitesurfing holidays
