
Thursday, December 31, 2009

TK's Decade Recap

I CANNOT believe that 2009 is over, but what I really cannot believe is that the decade it over! I remember New Years 99 like it was yesterday, but then again, who can't? lol Y2K!!! ha!

{my recap is in written in a short bulleted format without actually being in bullets... so forgive my short and/or incomplete sentences.} :)

1999/2000 I was in 8th grade at Garcia Middle School where I was a cheerleader and in Drama. Honestly, I think this was the most enjoyable year out of all my years of school, (yes, more so than high school and college).

2000/2001 I was a freshman at Austin High School. Most memorable events- I dated a senior and then broke up with him for a junior. Honestly, to all you teens reading this, I wish I hadn't dated at all in high school. Dating was created for us to find our spouse, and since we weren't ready to be married, I wish I would have waited for my hubs. I cannot change my past, but you can learn from my mistakes! :)
2001/2002 I was a Sophomore and a cheerleader. 9/11 hit which was unforgetable to say the least. My grandmother lost her 14+ year fight with breast cancer at the age of 57.
2002/2003 I turned 16, and that fall I accepted Christ as my savior!!! This was the real beginning of my life, even though I was 16. :)
2003/2004 I was a senior and loved being in PALs! I graduated and got to vote in my first election- BUSH!!! :)
2004/2005 I thrived in college, making the Deans List my first semester. I started attending Cornerstone Community Bible Church, and could not be more blessed by it- I also got baptized! :)
2005/2006 We evacuated for Rita which was pointless by memorable. I was enjoying my job at Extended Day, (which I began in 2004). I met my future husband online in April. We got engaged in August. In October my 18 year old sister, Tracie, (2nd from left) was killed in a car accident. Bittersweet year to say the least- as was 2001/2002... but this one was much more intense... for better and worse.

2007... click here to see my more detailed blog recap of the year...
We got our first child! :)
We got married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our first Married Christmas!!! :) Oh, and I graduated from college. :)

2008... click here to see my blog recap of the year...
We celebrated one year of marriage, made the decision to adopt all our children, and we built our first house.

We moved into our house and struggled all year to follow God's will in our lives, (numerous times we almost adopted sweet babies, and we almost decided to move to Cali). Finally in the last few months God has softened my heart towards being patient in waiting for His timing.

What does 2010 hold for us? In April we are celebrating 3 years with an AMAZING trip to New England which we are both SOOO excited about! Paul will turn 30!!! And kids... well ever since 2007, I have been writing about adopting in the new year to come. This year may actually be THE year, but I have learned one thing from my looking back- it really is all up to Him, and I am happy with whatever He has planned for my life.

Thank You Lord for all your blessing in this past year and the past decade. Though there were storms, I still praise You for being Sovereign over all of them, and causing them all to work together for good in my life, (Romans 8:28). I pray that Paul and I continue to live radically for You, (and to live even more radically everyday), and for You to keep growing us in You daily.

We're looking to 2010 with great expectations! :) Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. That person in your picture doesn't even look like me! Crazy how half a decade will change someone... I never got around to sending Christmas cards in case you were wondering why I asked for your address. I'll hold onto it for next year. Hope you and Paul have a great New Year's... Best wishes for the next decade!
