
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Was it all just for me?

No, I am not super self centered, but was the snow just for me?

God taught me so much with His blessing of the Texas snow storm...

A few posts ago, I mentioned our anniversary trip to New England. As I said then, it is very hard for us to spend that kind of money, a. it will push back the adoption process, (not much, but still), and b. spending that kind of money on ourselves doesn't really further the Kingdom of God. After really thinking it over and seeking godly counsel, we have decided to take the trip.

It will be our last trip before kids, and as a friend told me, "vacations strengthen marriages, and THAT furthers the Kingdom." :)

When we decided to take the trip, I took it as a lesson from God. As the post was titled, it is in His timing. I have learned I need to live for today, and not constantly in the future.

THE NEXT DAY after deciding to live for today, it snowed. It was like God was telling me, "see, there are many miracles in these moments now. You have been wanting one miracle, but I have many for you. Just enjoy today."

I cannot wait for our anniversary trip. It will be full of love between us as we celebrate 3 years as husband and wife, and I know it is a gift from God to teach me to live for today. I also truly feel that the snow was a gift from God. His timing is and was perfect.

At the height of it... the pic doesn't do much justice to show how much it was snowing, but this was the best I could get.
The morning after... I am a HUGE picture person, (if you didn't know), and PK is indifferent to pics. Well, that morning, he came in and said, "you HAVE to get pics of this!" He was right, it was breathtaking! The houses, the ground: EVERYTHING was white! And since the sky was blue clear- the snow was glittering! GORGEOUS! {you MUST click to enlarge} ;)

There’s only one who knows
What’s really out there waiting
In all the moments yet to be
And all we need to know
Is He’s out there waiting
To Him the future’s history
And He has given us a treasure called right now
And this is the only moment we can do anything about

So breathe it in and breathe it out,
Listen to your heart beat,
There's a wonder in the here and now,
That's right there in front of you,

and I don't want you to miss the miracle of the moment.

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