Monday, January 11, 2010


If you are like me, then you have been looking at my blog daily and you have been irked by my lack of posting. Well, that is how I feel when I look at y'all's blogs! lol So, I am sorry for my lack of posts.

Nothing really fun to write about. Paul and I have been borrowing my mom's "Little House on the Prairie," seasons. We finished season 2, and are almost done with season 1. We LOVE the show! The theology is off many times, but the fact that God is mentioned in pretty much every episode is AWESOME!!! Last night one of the episodes we watched recited all of Psalm 23! It was awesome!

Here are 2 pics from the "freeze" over the weekend. OK, so yes it was very cold for Htown, but we didn't have the freeze we were worried about- thank God!!!

The only evidence of the below freezing temps- the fountain in front of our neighborhood was frozen!

Jersey NEEDS to go to the groomer. Unfortunately, he will have to be shaved. :( He always looks ugly at first when he is shaved. We bought him this jacket for our Christmas card pics, but never used it. Now we can use it when it is cold, since he will be nearly hairless soon! lol

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