
Monday, February 8, 2010

Play Room Revamp and Updates

Sorry I have been absent on here- I have been revamping the playroom all week, and this weekend we had winter camp with the youth. Winter camp was awesome! I got so much out of it, and will be working hard to implement it in my life!

No news on the adoption news from the other day, but we have other big news: if the BIG news falls through, we are still pushing forward with the adoption!!!! I got this phone call this morning, "Hey Honey. Today, can you run the dishwasher and {here I think, oh what else} start researching adoption agencies so we can get the paperwork done this week." Oh yes, this I can do!!! :) Lord willing, the playroom and kids' rooms will not be empty for long!!! Please keep us in your prayers!!!

Ok, without further adieu the revamped playroom:

TADAAA! I bought the blue "oops paint" on a whim, with the full intention of not painting above the scrapbook paper. Well, when it was all done, it looked weird without another color on top. PK picked the orange. If I could change it, I would put the orange on bottom and the blue on top, but oh well. This is supposed to be a fun room for the kids, and they could care less about which color is on top. :)
See the blank spot on the wall...
That is where this will go :)
Family rules- LOVE IT!!! I took VeggieTales paper and put 2 quotes on them: "God is bigger than the Boogeyman!" and "He's big, but God' bigger! With His help little guys can do big things too."
Still love my pom poms!
I remember when my sister, Tracie got these chairs and ottamans. I wanted them too, but she had more room for them in her room, and the colors went with her decor. I was a little jealous, but I got something that trip which you will see later... Aren't they so perfect for a playroom? :)
The bookshelf. I will be buying another one of these storage kits for the Beanie Babies I have.

I got this for free with purchase of the VeggieTales, "Minnesota Cuke and the search for Noah's umbrella." I didn't know what I wanted to do with it, but I think it looks nice on the tv. :)
When Tracie got the chairs, I got this lamp. Also perfect for a playroom, huh? :)
Another look at the scrapbook paper that started it all. Look above it... do you notice the border on the wall? Ok, so I am not in love with the border, nor would I have chosen to do a border but...

1. We ran out of orange paint and didn't want to buy another quart.
2. This border is a sticker- sooo easy to put up.
3. It was the only print that kinda went with the decor.
4. IT IS A PLAYROOM FOR THE KIDS!!! They don't judge decor, they just enjoy it! :)


  1. Oh my Tricia...the play room looks amazing!!!

  2. The playroom is AMAZING!! Great job, you are so creative! Your future children and going to LOVE playing in there. :)
