
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Keierleber Characters???

Ok, so I have been busy with a blog revamp obviously. Since we are adopting children, (other people's children quite possibly), we wanted to make up nicknames for them for the blog. It was that or making this blog private, (which still may happen). I have to admit, I was inspired by MckMama to do the nicknames. Her's are much more clever, but I think mine will do just fine.

Now obviously y'all know our names right now, but from now on we will only be referred to as our nicknames. :)

I wanted to do a name that rhymed with Keierleber- Keierleber Crew, Keierleber Corral, etc. Well, PK really liked Corral, but I didn't think naming us after farm animals would be that fun. (cow, pig, etc- I think you get the idea).

I kept coming back to Disney characters or even Veggie Tales Characters. However, when I was playing with the Disney idea- I came up with PK's name, and LOVED it! Then a duh moment- Keierleber Characters. DUH! lol So without further adieu...

Meet the Keierleber Characters:

Mr. Incredible
Mr. Incredible
A strong man, both physically and spiritually, Mr. Incredible truly is my hero. He provides for his family and is our spiritual leader. And I happen to think he is pretty incredible! :)

As a housewife, it is easy to sometimes feel like Cinderella with all I have to do. But I know one thing- that Fairy Godmother has NOTHING on my Heavenly Father. Being married to my prince is nothing short of a fairy tale. This princess, (daughter of The King), is so thankful to be living her dream: the wish her heart made, ;)

Our precious pup who is SUCH a character. He walks on his hind legs, drinks from a human water bottle, and knows many tricks. He is so talented HE should be in the movies. ;)

More characters to come soon!!! Other princesses, Toy Story characters, etc! :)

What do you think about our new blog?

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