
Monday, March 8, 2010


Sorry I have not posted as much lately. We are half way through with adoption training, and it has taken most of our time. We are enjoying every minute though. My degree is in child development, so I have heard all of this before. However, it is nice to 1. get a review, and 2. for Paul to get this information too. It really helps you understand what behavior is appropriate and inappropriate, and how to handle all those situations properly. Also, our agency is a Christian agency, which is AWESOME! Everything we cover is backed up Biblically. :)

I have been a nanny since October, and I really enjoyed it. When I took the job I had planned to work there for at least two years, and we would then pursue an African adoption. When we decided to move forward with domestic adoption, I put in my 2 weeks. As much as I loved working with the kids, it sure is nice to go back to being a housewife. :)

I am definitely in the nesting frame of mind. I think it is for 2 reasons:

1. we could have kids in our house (Lord willing), as early as April. Not that we will get them by then, but we will eligible to get them by then.

2. When I became a nanny, I had NO time at home to clean my house at all. I think that now that I can, I actually WANT to clean- (not like me AT ALL) LOL

Now for the fun part: I needed a diaper bag. There was a Vera Bradley one I wanted in the pattern of Sitting in a Tree, (you will see in a min). I was back and forth between the back pack and diaper bag. Well, my mom and I were shopping and we saw the CUTEST VB purse, and she said she would buy one for me. WAHOO! :) Well, as much as I wanted the new purse, I knew the wise choice would be to get the diaper bag instead. Well, the backpack and diaper bag we pretty expensive. Then my mom had a brilliant idea:

This is my ginormous VB purse which my mom suggested I use as my diaper bag. GENIUS! Why didn't I think of that? :)

So instead of buying the diaper bag in this print, my mom got me this purse as my everyday purse, and now I will use the other purse as my diaper bag. :) BTW, I LOVE this new purse!!!!! Thanks Mom!!!

In other nesting thoughts: the nurseries are already decorated as y'all have seen on here. However, as much as I LOVE the bird room, I SO want to make some changes:

All of these Vera Bradley items can be purchased here. These are not even on the official website! On the official website, you can purchase wrapping paper. I am so tempted to buy all this and the paper too and do a full bird room revamp. I want to, but I won't. sigh.

These are dessert plates, but I want her to make full dinner settings in this print, (she has a full dinner setting in another print). sigh again. ;)

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