William Wilberforce fought for YEARS, gave up years of his life, to fight for the abolition of the slave trade in England. He also fought for others' rights including animals. All this stemming from his Salvation in Christ, he also never turned away beggars at the door of his home. He follwed the commandment of Jesus: Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22: 36-40).
I met William Wilberforce in a movie. They called him by his last name, which makes it easier to think of it as a first name. What I love about his name is that if they weren't calling him Wilberforce, they called him Wilby, (Will-bee). I would love to name a son Wilberforce and call him Wilby. We may still do this, name him William Wilberforce Keierleber and call him Wilby. We shall see. :)
William Wilberforce was an amazing man- an earthly hero of ours who lived his life to glorify God and lived it well. Meet him here:

Oh and the best quote of the whole movie? Wilberforce's preacher is John Newton. He owned slaved ships, repented of his sins, and became a preacher- and wrote the song Amazing Grace. Listen to the lyrics and think of his past. You will never hear the song the same way again. In the movie, Newton says this: "My memory is fading, but there are two things I know: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior." wow, huh? :)
Oh, and yes, I am sitting with Jersey in the playroom watching this movie. :)
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