
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Birdie Bandage for the Bump

Ok, first of all the bump I am referring to is not THE BUMP. I am not preg. I am referring to a bump along the adoption road.

We are moving towards fostering two little cuties that stole our hearts, so as of now it is not technically an adoption road anyway.

But we have hit a bump, and I am bummin'! We have to get a fire inspection then we can have our home study. No problem. We can get the inspection this week or next with the home study to follow. Well, before we get the fire inspection we have to get 3 different inspections as well- which are not cheap.

The bump? We will have to schedule the inspections for 2 weeks from now. {next pay check for anyone keeping track} THEN we will have to wait for our home study. We could have had the home study DONE in 2 weeks quite possibly, but now we can't even get to that step for another 2 weeks. Not what I had in mind. Please pray that once the inspections are done, they can get to our home study quickly.

As you can imagine, I am quite bummed. So I am applying a Birdie bandage! Unfortunately I had pics for this post, but blogger is not letting me! SORRY!!! I will be spending tonight working on the bird room since my Vera Bradley package came in the mail!

Here is a song that has been on my heart since March. It is a romantic song, but ignore that aspect and think of it from the eyes of a Mommy waiting for her babies. Prayers appreciated!

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