
Friday, May 21, 2010

Five For Friday

This is my 5th post this week! Everyday this week, I have posted! I know there are a few of my loyal readers who must have appreciated it. :)

So, do you like my new layout?

We have completed EVERYTHING needed for our home study, (with the exception of the fire inspection which we can't do ourselves lol)!!! It feels so good to be done, and we are one step closer till our little ones come home!!

Today I spent literal hours searching craft blogs. I have found so many crafts to make for the new bird room! Just waiting on the fabric and wrapping paper, (for decoupaging) to arrive! :)

So that was my day today: searching the web, adoption stuff, nap with my loves, searching the web, watching a movie while changing my layout. Yep fun stuff! ;)With our "exciting" day, I didn't take any pics. And since no one likes posts without pics: here is a shot from Fenway Park. GORGEOUS day, gorgeous tree. Yeah, I want to go back soooooo bad!!! {even though a new layout should make up for my lack of new photos} ;)

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