
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pure Genius

Let me back up a bit. Weeks ago I put Bolt's toy in this box to hide it cause it is a squeaky toy and quite annoying. Well, he heard it drop and saw me put the lid on. I thought for sure he would seek it out. Well, he never did. Until 2 days ago!

My baby sister Taylor was over and she told me to look. We were in awe, then she told me to grab my camera! I am so glad I did! He is so stinkin smart!!! This is his first time to seek out something and proceed to break it free, and we are so proud. :)

In the end, I say, "do you want to go to Petco?" It is because whenever I say Petco he will look- that is my secret to getting good pics of him- and I wanted you to see his face instead of just his bum! lol

1 comment:

  1. what a CLEVER little guy :)and thanks for sharing about your love of dogs, too. I think we're alike since today we had a birthday celebration with ice cream for Sterling :)
