
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday Rewind

In true rewind fashion, I will start with the most recent till I get back to the beginning of the week. :)

On Monday I lamented about my bird room problem. Well, right now I am about to go to the bank, make a deposit, come home and purchase my Vera Bradley shopping cart! :) YEA! Pictures by next week I'm sure. lol I have NO patience! The second I get it I will begin redecorating! lol

There are 2 VB items that I am not purchasing this go round. A Sittin in a Tree umbrella, (for my own personal use- so didn't need to be bought with all the room stuff lol). And this little guy:
Ok, I think I want 2! But at $43 a piece, I think I can wait on them!


When I came up with Bolt as his nickname on the blog, I knew it was fitting. He is after all, white, adorable, smart, and talented. Ever since the nickname was bestowed, it seems Bolt is trying to live up to the original Bolt. You know, the one who believes he is an action hero. From finding and "rescuing" his ball in a closed box to "scaling" the playground equipment- Bolt is day by day becoming his alter ego!

Yesterday I look over and he had a whole bunch of bananas in his mouth, which he has jumped on the counter to retrieve. It was the funniest thing ever, so I did what any good blog mommy would do and I grabbed the camera!

As I took the pic, Bolt began PEELING the banana- can you see it in this pic?!
When I took it away from him, this was the result! Poor kid though- all that work, and he didn't even get to enjoy his spoils! lol Pretty impressive though, huh? No thumbs needed people!

{when I showed the pics to Mr. Incredible he said it was absolutely blog worthy} ;)


Monday night we had a great lighting storm! Mr. Incredible, Bolt, and I sat on the back porch in awe of God's creativity and power!

If I had caught this a millisecond sooner! ugh!

Could you imagine how awesome this shot would have been had it been in focus?
love this shot!


  1. OK my dogs love bananas more than anything else...I cannot eat one in front of them b/c they just sit perfectly, watching me, hoping I will reward them with one for being so good. I do give them my brown bananas, though, and it doesn't make them sick ;-)

  2. Haha, such a cute picture of Bolt with the bananas!

  3. Wow, cool pics of our Awesome God's creation!
