
Tuesday, June 1, 2010


A couple days ago I blogged about God's faithfulness. I mentioned how even though we were not getting our "manna from Heaven," He is still faithful. Well today we got a little manna- I think God just wanted to show off a bit. ;)
On our way to Wal-Mart I got the mail, and in it was a $5 gift card to W.M.! How cool is that?! God IS SO faithful!

I have been busy with the bird room revamp- got it all done really. I just need to get it all on the walls. Sorry to keep you waiting- I plan to hang it all tomorrow, so be sure to check back then! Here is another little preview:
I bought 6 of these napkins since I can't buy fabric by the yard...
With one napkin I made this throw pillow for the bed. I stitched it by hand, (sewing machine needs some grease)- it is my very first sewing project, and I am quite proud of myself! {Mr. Incredible was too} :) Oh, ignore the dip in fabric- I need to fluff out the fluff better! :)

Lastly, I got an email from a friend today. Here is her little girl reading my book. Is this not the cutest thing ever?? Click here to see more adorable pics!

1 comment:

  1. I got a $5 Wal Mart gift card in the mail too!!

    So awesome! :)
