
Monday, July 12, 2010

Bad to Worse

They are planning on the boys being home before school starts.

Yeah, that is a month from now. So within the next month, our sons will be gone.

We are very upset right now. We are planning on making the best of our last weeks with them. When the fog clears from my brain I will blog again.

Here are a few pics for you patient friends. :) {they are out of order cause frankly I do not care enough at the moment to make this a perfect post like I usually do} (ps I can't show their faces since they are not technically my children. Hence why we went with nicknames for the blog as well)
We got a pool- which is a huge hit!
Daddy blowing it up BY MOUTH! I blew on that thing for quite awhile and didn't make a dent! Buzz was watching and exclaimed, "Daddy you're amazing!" Well Buzz, that is why he is called Mr. Incredible! :)
My 3 sons. My 3 cheesetastic sons! :)
Yuck of Mommy, but this is my new life, (well for the next month only I guess... :/ ) PS look in the area where I would place my diaper bag... Come on now people, how cute is Bolt???
Daddy reading the boys the Bible. {same Bible his grandpa read, his dad read and he read. So special!}
Buzz going to INFINITY AND BEYOND! Or just doing his favorite pastime! ;)

While I am so sad, I am surprisingly strong, (by the Grace of God). I have to be for the boys. I am sure once they go to sleep Mr. Incredible and I will let it all out. Prayers much appreciated!

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28


  1. I am praying for you, sweet lady! I know that nothing I can say will make the pain go away, but I know my prayers will help!

  2. I am so sorry that this is not working out like we had prayed or planned for. But you know it cause you have said it in your blog. Romans 8:28, your pain will hurt no doubt about it. But God is there for you and Paul. I will continue to pray for you.
