
Tuesday, July 20, 2010


With the exception of the first post- ALL of the posts in July have been sad posts! I am sorry for this- however, more sad posts will be coming unfortunately. BUT for now, I will leave you with a happy post!
Sad but true. {at Fudruckers in Sugar Land} Not for long!! We are so excited to be going back! Since this has been so bittersweet, I have been planning what to do when we get there to help me look forward to it. :)
We are planning on staying in this hotel...
Pretty cool, huh? I know there is one similar to this in San Antonio. :)
Last time we stayed at the Omni Parker House- In this restaurant, Parker's, the Boston Creme Pie was invented! Well, we did NOT eat here! I know, so sad right? Well, we ARE going to get a Boston Creme Pie there this time around!!
You betcha we will be retuning here!!! There is a pizza stand on Yawkey Way with AWESOME pizza which we are totally getting. Not to mention catching another game and enjoying another Fenway Frank! :)
This street had cute buildings and shops which we did not get to explore because of lack of time. Can't wait to return. :)
We wanted to eat here- The Barking Crab- but ran out of time. {do you recognize this- it was in the movie, The Game Plan} :)
We will be getting to try one of these Lobster Tails, from many of the pastry shops in Little Italy! I want to get one one day at one pastry shop and another one another day from another shop to compare!

I cannot tell you how therapeutic going there will be. When we first thought about doing this trip, I just thought it would be fun. Now, I know I NEED this getaway! We could go anywhere- Disney, a cruise, NY, DC, but honestly, there is nowhere else I want to go other than Boston!

{if us going on a trip seems weird read this post and this post to see why we are going}


  1. okay you have to bring me one of those Lobster tails!!!

  2. I'll be there in 10 days! Send me some ideas of places to get GOOD, real lobster. Also, any MUST SEES?
