
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just For Fun

I have been under loads of stress, not to mention trying to grieve. I "self medicate" in 3 ways: getting out of the house, watching movies, and designing new rooms. ;)

Just for fun, I am designing a safari room for a little girl. Just for fun. Just in case. ;)
I was at the Christian store and I saw this. This is my inspiration for the room!! :) I am thinking doing "real" animals, like this, and cheetah and zebra prints, (like not pink zebra or purple cheetah- they will look realistic). And I may accent with a few fun aminals- I am leaning towards silhouettes: pink elephant etc.
Everytime I go to IKEA, I see this collection and I drool over it. I LOVE IT!!! I will get this furniture and use these colors, (with accents of turquoise and bright green, while yellow and orange may be used in small amounts too). This may look like a toddler bed, but it actually is a small twin bed- the height of a toddler bed- so she can grow with it for quite awhie. By the time she outgrows it, it will be time to redecorate anyway, (I loved decorating as a kid too, so if she wants to decorate hers, I will allow it and help her along the way) :)

Oh, and I am thinking plain tan walls, and accenting with burlap. :)
This piece sold me on the collection!! I love pink, but too much in a room is never good- I love the red with it! :)
The matching night stand. How cute is this?!?

I am hanging out with a friend today that is taking her daughter to get new bedding, YES!!! That has been my mission lately- getting ideas for this room.

You know, Just for fun. Just in case. ;)


  1. keep an eye on craigslist - that ikea toddler stuff is always listed

  2. Hey there!! You know, your posts don't show up in my reader SO I haven't had a change to keep up with yall. Anyway, I did a little catching up and I think I am caught up in what is going on in the Keierleber household. Let me say that I will deff be praying for yall and for the boys. This is just one more step in God's walk of life for yall. Another way to prepare yall with the precious gift of a child. Be strong T. I know you are and I know it can be tough. Never loose faith :)
