
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Real Men

From the Desk of Mr. Incredible:

I can definitely say that being a dad is awesome. I can say that it is a great responsibility that not only takes a ton of patience, understanding, and discipline (you have to work at it), but the rewards are great. To see children respond to your efforts in pouring knowledge, wisdom, and skill to them is the blessed role a father plays in the life of a child.

At this moment in time I will not get to look forward to the rewards with the boys (Buzz and Woody). Unfortunately they will be leaving our home to go back to the environment that they came from, which is definitely less than desirable. The nicest way I can say this is that the system has failed. I am not going to say everything I feel about the system, but I can say that I am disappointed. Woody told me the other night that he wanted to be an astronaut. Kinda funny coming from the character we named "Woody." I told him that he can accomplish this with hard and diligent work. The first thought that goes into my head is, "This child is going to have next to no chance obtaining this goal going back into the environment that he came from!" I know what you are thinking, "Every little boy wants to be an astronaut." Well the point is not being an astronaut, baseball player, musician, or scientist. The point is having the chance at an opportunity to make something of yourself! With us, he is given so many more opportunities, and we encourage all of his dreams and aspirations. This is upsetting to me and it really bothers me.

Even more than opportunities on occupations, it's the Gospel. I highly doubt the boys will ever be taken to Church and hear the Gospel on a regular basis that I get to. They will most likely not be read the Word of God. This is what is so upsetting to me deep in my heart. I know God is sovereign and His plan is perfect. At this point, all I can do is pray for their salvation. I invite all those who are believers in Christ to join in this prayer. I pray that there will be a miracle in the situation that the boys are going back to. I am not praying that they will grow up to be these effluenct well educated people, I mean pray for the miracle of all miracles! Pray for salvation in Christ! I pray that the Lord will draw them to Him and that they will embrace Christ with repentance and genuine faith. This scares me, I am not so much worried about us at all. Cinderella and I are secured for eternity, but I am worried about the boys' eternal destiny. Woody is already asking a few questions and we are answering them. Please pray that this seed will continue with him and will effect the environment he is going back to. If loosing the boys means that they will go back for the sake of God's will, then who am I to be sorrowful? I will praise the Lord!

Please pray for the boys!

I will miss them dearly. The other week we saw a kit car that a friend and his son built! It kinda stayed in my head that I will not be able to do a fun project like this with these boys. It saddens my heart that I can't pass down any knowledge to them. The whole thought of not being a daddy anymore saddens my heart even more. I know that moms are great, important, and special and all, but I believe dads are just as special. Dads are the anchor in the household! The problem with our society is boys growing up with either no dad or a dad who is just present! Dad should be held up in high regards, but in order to for that to happen dads need to man up!

I applaud all the Christ centered dads out there and to encourage them to keep focus on the cross! For all the other so called dads, take your role seriously! Please for the sake of your kids and more for the sake of God's Kingdom!

I will miss being a dad and daddy. For the short time I have been one, I appreciate the title, role, and responsibility even more than before.

Dads, be thankful for this blessing.

It takes a real man to carry his wife's purse. My man resume is beefed up enough that I can get away with doing this!
Explaining why people throw money in fountains. Tell you the truth, it's literally a waste of money!
The 'Chicken Foot' on another victim
After the Astros game. It was OK, definitely not the Red Sox. Boston ROCKS!
Being man-handled by future tag team wrestling champions!

Cinderella's comment for the night: "I wish I could save these moments, and put them in a jar. I wish I could stop the world from turning, keep things just the way they are. I wish I could shelter you from everything, not pure and sweet and good. I know I can't, I know I can't, but I wish I could." Collin Raye "I Wish I Could."

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