
Sunday, August 1, 2010

All or Nothing

Ok, I am officially obsessed with my safari room. BUT, I will get to that in a minute.

Thursday marked a week since the boys left. Friday and Saturday were the first days I actually felt really happy! {the boys came on July 6th, and on July 5th we first got wind that they were considering reunification, so since July 5th, I have been sad quite a bit- that is almost a whole month of mourning and sadness, yuck! And our mourning period is not over yet.} Today on the radio I heard an advertisement for Veggie Tales Live. I have known about this for months and we were planning on taking the boys. Obviously that is not going to happen. Well, when I heard the commercial, (with songs playing in the background), I started crying. They would have LOVED Veggie Tales Live. We all love Veggie Tales, and they love to sing and dance. It would have been a blast to say the least! I just wish I could have at least taken them to it. :/ Depending on God's will, we may still go- with another child, or with them- ya never know right??? :)

So, I guess you want me to elaborate on that last sentence. Well, there is not much to say except we are keeping our options open. We are holding out for the boys, but we are also totally okay with bringing in another child, (to be a sibling to them, and if they never come home then we still have a child, win-win). That is all I will say for now- we will just see what God has in store. Once we know His will- we will let y'all know too! :)

One thing that has lifted my spirits a bit, has been decorating the safari room. Well, decorating it in my head. My last 3 posts will show you my ideas, while this post contains the items that I will actually buy. I am just waiting to see if a girl is in our future, (who knows how long we will be waiting on this lol), and if she is, then I will immediately buy these items and decorate her room! :)

The above items you have already seen, and they are all from Ikea. :)

You have already seen this one too, and it can be purchased at any Christian store. :)

For 2 of the walls, I had planned on having Mr. Incredible cut out silhouettes of animals on plywood and I would paint them, (red lion, pink giraffe, green monkey, blue elephant, etc). {we wanted to avoid painting on the walls so when we move we can take them with us- you know, so all the hard work wouldn't be wasted} So today we went to Lowes to price it. Ok, WAY TOO EXPENSIVE! Scratch that idea. What about butcher paper? Well, I looked up prices and it would cost a little over $100 to cover the 2 walls. Not too bad when you think about how many items it would take to cover those walls if I went in a different direction. But it would take a bit of work to do it all. So, I decided to search wall murals. I found a few OK ones, but nothing that fit what I was envisioning, until...

How cute are all these?!? In the end, they will cost the same as the butcher paper and none of the work! Sounds good to me!! :) {just fyi, I am going to get 2 trees, with the animals roaming in between them} These can all be purchased here.

These 2 rugs are from a secret location. When I buy them I will fill you in. I am keeping it secret because I do not want them to sell out!!! lol

And of course these baskets are from Target!

Yes, I am obsessed. I am ok with it. When I began decorating it, it became an all or nothing scenario. If I couldn't get the silhouettes, then I would scratch the whole room all together. As I said in a previous post, I am trying so hard to restrain myself!!! I want to decorate the room RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!! LOL